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Mt. Washington, Ca
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Unregistered User
(11/2/01 10:09 pm)
Durga Mata
I can't find the message now, but someone had asked about stories about Durga Mata's treatment within SRF. Here are some:


Unregistered User
(11/15/01 9:38 pm)
Durga Mata
Here is a good summary of Durga Mata's shameful treatment at the hands of mother center.


Gray beard
Registered User
(12/13/01 4:11 pm)
Re: Durga Mata
Years ago I was blessed to have a personal interview along with a friend with Durga Ma. It was held at her apartment in the evening. It was arranged through others who saw her for counseling on a regular basis. I wasn't even intended to go with these other fellow but when the first couldn't go he invited me. I have her blessings, and Master's through her, all these years since and mark that interview with her as one of the landmarks of my life.

Without boring anyone with the details of my discussion of my problems with her I just want to say that she was a transparently advanced spiritual being who wore her realization simply and unostentasiously. During the conversation she made reference to something I done that very day which I hadn't wanted anyone to know about in such a natural off-handed way (to make a point about staying concentrated) that as I looked into the depths of her eyes and realized she'd just read my mind and therefore inimately knew my actions, that they were an open-book to her she gave me the thought that it wasn't any big deal and shouldn't be commented upon, which I didn't.

Leaving she hugged us both at the door. She was a small woman in stature but her hugged felt like the sweetest hug from the most loving mother in the universe. I love her for her help and will always do so. She is the shining example of a Yogananda disciple, always working to her limit (if she had any), doing whatever he asked of her, content to remain in the background if that was where she was to be.

Someday maybe those in the future with recognize the heights of spirituality that this woman attained. While in India visiting YSS she was in a party that visited @#%$ moy ma who told another YSS devotee that Durga was very advanced and that she loved her God and guru wholeheartedly.

Registered User
(12/14/01 1:51 pm)
Re: Durga Mata recordings
There are 2 recordings of this great disciple, on CD & tape. One is a talk on the Cosmic Man (the astral body & aura) and the other approximately 12 chants of Master's recorded in 1953! You want to hear clarity and power? You want access to one of Master's own, as he knew her? She sang as Master wanted her to; listen to/feel her energy. Who has this today? If you find someone, take the dust of their feet! Challenge yourself to her voice -- she's French-Canadian and has a rather high tone -- and soak in the prana. A delight and blessing to us 50 years later. Released by the same woman who edited Ma (Durga)'s book and served her in her last years. Om

Gray beard
Registered User
(12/14/01 9:28 pm)
Re: Durga Mata recordings
Hi Premdas (love that name)

I have heard her chanting, the first time at the 1970 Convocation at the Biltmore when she lead a 3 hour meditation. It was transcendent, even for me at that time, a new devotee. She radiated spirituality.

The second time was at a meditation she gave at Mt. Washington. She chanted with such fervor and power. I was blessed to sit in the front row right in front of where she was sitting and found myself reaching new heights easily, it seemed, heights never reached before. She was a dynamo!!

If you could would you please give me the information to obtain those recordings. I'd be much appreciative.


Registered User
(12/15/01 1:03 am)
Re: Durga Mata recordings
Gray beard: I will post info source re: Durga recordings on Sunday or Monday. Glad to hear from someone with your personal experience. I'll share with you a remarkable situation that happened to me about 5 years ago that involves Durga Mata's book release and the ex-SRF nun who edited her book in the same posting. Blessings!

Gray beard
Registered User
(12/16/01 6:51 pm)
Re: Durga Mata recordings

Thanks! I'll be looking for that, especially the promise of an inspiring story.


Registered User
(12/17/01 3:05 pm)
Re: Durga Mata recordings
GB: As promised, here is info on Durga recordings ( I am on the road now, at a Cyber Cafe) so I'll update this later tonight or tomorrow with the actual addresses/sources. Please be patient w/me!)

1) Crystal Clarity Publishing
As of one month ago they had some stock in CD's and tapes of both her chanting and talk. Address is on web. www.crystalclarity.com , 800-424-1055
When you call, ask to speak to Lewis in shipping. Tell him Premdas sent you!.

2) Same publishing source as Durga's biographical book on Master and Rajarsi. Joan Wight, address:
POBox 17582, Beverly Hills, CA 90209

And now, the rest of the story..

The Master's Love for Me

Back about 1994-5, I was living in the Carmel area, along the coast in California. I was full of energy and actively teaching Yoga in various resorts/spas and had private students who sought my guidance in their practice. I had that longing that many modern Yogananda devotees have; why couldn't I have been w/my guru? If only I could have a taste of that experience now, I constantly thought and prayed. Yes, I really didn't have to have him there in the flesh, but boy would it be wonderful! And was I doing the right thing, sharing Yogananda and his energies as best as I could? Was I a heretic? (who put that thought there? See a posting I did re: Convocation") A week of this sweet & sour bhakti bhav found me intellectually dumfounded by the impossibility of recreating the past or manifesting a deceased body, and the "strangeness" of my fantasy (I'm nbot like this, I thought). So I'm at this older, quaint, more delapidated than modern resort, and I'm leading some exercises outside on the grass. Some warm-ups before Yoga. (here comes some "heresy"; I teach/lead energization exercises, physically demonstrating how these pranayama techniques affect an individual's energy.) In leading this small group this day, i noticed this middle-aged, nun-like woman, a few seconds ahead of me in her practice. This was quite unusual! then I noticed a peek of her amulet. Well, I started to wonder if Master was going to have a go at me for sharing this "secret" with the heathen! Here's where it acually went: After practice and class, i asked her if she were with SRF and she replied that she used to be. She said she was touring the country with another woman promoting a book about yogananda -- would I be interested in seeing it? Hey! I asked her if it was a book by Durga and did this lady look surprised! She asked how I knew of this book and i told her I had been up to Ananda and had found it just released there in their yoga retreat, The Expanding Light's Gift shop. that I was right then already re-reading it and that it was my favorite book because it was like being with Master, the human and the divine tgether (like Arjuna's desire to know both the divine and "human" sides of his guru Krishna). Then she said, i thought you were one of Master's own! I could have cried then & there, just to have satsang with another gurubai, in a place I always thought I'd be kind of alone in. Then she asked/said: Oh, you're an Ananda man! That's it! And her face lit up. she asked me a few personal questions, then mentioned that I might be interested in meeting her companion, who also served at
SRF, having been a personal secretary/assistant to Durga, herself. So here comes this woman, Joan Wight and we proceed to have another wonderful satsang, trading talks of service and experiences. I felt my hunger being fed by tales of discipleship and the sweetness of this devotee's presence. She told me to continue in my "independent" work, (I had begun to hold Sunday services and teach meditation, 2 more heresies) and asked me to accompany her to the parking lot near her room. She went in and came out with a little kleenex, putting it in my hand, and said not to open it until it was safely out of the wind. She said Master would want me to have this! I didn't know what to think....We said our goodbyes ( I had given her a few contacts she was to need in our area) and drove off. Around the corner, I had to open this strangely packaged gift "from Master".
It was a locket of his hair! that Durga had saved whenever she had personally brushed Master or had cleaned for him. (I knew this because Joan had told me these stories during our conversation; she said Durga never threw his hairs away, but had collected them as holy relics). Now I really cried. Master's body had come to me, disciples in attunement representing my guru had come to me to grant me even this little strange request, that I have him in body. Intellectually, I had to bow to my heart, my guru and God for satisfying this little boy's request. My heart was filled with the presence of my guru's love. I would never doubt my right to discipleship nor the blessings of my guru again. Indeed, I have experienced many times the beautiful manifestations of Divine Mother's/Yogananda's love for me.

Edited by: premdas at: 12/17/01 9:00:47 pm
Registered User
(12/17/01 4:17 pm)
So beautiful...
More stories from the "heretic," premdas....

Om. Shanti. Om. Shanti. Om.

Gray beard
Registered User
(12/17/01 5:06 pm)
Re: Durga Mata recordings

Thank you so very much for the information. I had heard that there were tapes and such of Durga Ma floating around but hadn't really known how to get them.

I'll follow your direction and phone Lewis at Crystal Clarity to check on availablity.

I was happy to read of your karmic meeting with those who were closest to Durga Ma. It seems the way that you told the story that everything came together at the most fortunate time for you; that it increased the spiritual meaning that much more for you and you felt Master's hand behind all the circumstances.

Again thank you for going to such trouble for me. May you have a very Merry Christmas if we don't communicate before then.


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