SRF Walrus
Mt. Washington, Ca
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    > Life on the Inside
        > Pay Raises
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Unregistered User
(12/16/01 11:39 am)
Pay Raises
Is it true that SRF has decided to not give pay raises this year? Is this for everyone? What was the excuse? Why do employees think they are really doing it?

Registered User
(12/16/01 2:45 pm)
Re: Pay Raises
A friend of mine (an employee) was told SRF does not have the money.

Unregistered User
(12/16/01 3:21 pm)
Fairy Tales
And the pope doesn't wear a big gold hat and live in a palace.

Registered User
(12/16/01 5:55 pm)
Re: Fairy Tales
Worried about money and donations are down. Insiders know they have plenty of money, but they have never worried about what they pay members. They needed a public excuse to keep the complaints down. Being short of money was an easy excuse that most people who accept. 0]

Unregistered User
(12/22/01 10:56 pm)
This says it all
This message gives the answer. They don't care much for the wellfair of the employees. Yet they smile and charm people.


In the Christmas meditation tape, Daya Mata says she will "gladly lay down her life for this work". Why not give the employees another $1/hour, or decent benefits, or working conditions? Why hide from them? Why not stand up to some of the mean managers and have people treated with kindness? Could we just start there? Could we have a little backbone? She can lay down her life later, but right now these poor people could use a little caring and help.

Have they created an organization so foul that even the mata's can stand to be there and run off to Sierra Madre every chance they get? (the answer is yes)

I suspect they edited the tape and she really said she would gladly lay down the lives of the employees for this work.

Unregistered User
(12/22/01 10:58 pm)
The link in the above message is supposed to be:

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