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Mt. Washington, Ca
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        > Black List: Get me on it
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Punk Yogi
Unregistered User
(9/7/01 8:35 pm)
Black List: Get me on it
Hey everybody. Want to invite you to check out SRF's 1st underground story. It's a new genre created especially for the muscular of heart.


Punk Yogi
Unregistered User
(9/7/01 8:38 pm)
The oops message...
Oops...I almost forgot to tell you where to find it.

Click on the "Fear" section. You'll find it at the top.

"If you can't beat your fears, nuke 'em" --- PY

Unregistered User
(9/8/01 11:05 am)
Regarding Black List: Get me on it
That story is outrageous! I'm sure the people who are fearful of retaliation will relax after reading this story. Nice job. When's the next installment?

Unregistered User
(9/8/01 12:04 pm)
That story
I think the story might cause others to not take this board, and the information posted here, seriously. If you need to get some things off your chest, and have been hurt by the "bad ladies", I certainly understand the need to vent. But remember that this information is also for people trying to make up their minds. If they see silly attacks like this it might turn them off.

If you have been hurt, you might share some of those stories as a way of helping others to avoid those situations.

Punk Yogi
Unregistered User
(9/8/01 7:42 pm)
In Reply to DEEP's message
Thank you for taking the time to read the story and comment on it. We who have shared the SRF experience are a wide and varied group widely ranging in temperament and tolerance. I hope this story reaches those who can benefit from its satirical angle. For those who were offended, my apologies. Perhaps, my motives require an explanation. The following is my rationale....

1) This section is for messages related to the topic of fear. I've been heart-sickened to learn their are so many individuals living in fear of our guru's work. We live in a chaotic and threatening world where true shelter is hard to find. The fact that we cannot find it in the organization shaped by of guru's hands is tragic. In my opinion, so many devotees in SRF have become timid and psychologically shrunken; thus the intention of my story is to deflate their professed monsters to caricatures who no longer have the power to hurt them.

2) While I gleefully lampoon the "bad ladies", I never stray from relevant issues: the blacklistings, the absurd authoritative chain of command, their narrow sense of respectablility, the spiritual materialism (so un-yogi like), the wastefully ineffective adminstrative practices, the paradox of renunciants living a life of luxury and regal power, and the systematic emasculation of the male monastics....etc, etc

3) I hate to say it, but SRF, that is the organization, not our guru's message, in its present state might as well be renamed "Self-Retardation Fellowship." My very design in introducing a punk ethos into SRF is to divert us away from our blind emotional dependencies. Intelligent use of irreverance is part of the tantric tradition of loosening up ego boundaries. As an SRF-er you would have little exposure to this because the organization actually perpetuates rigid thinking among its members.

4) For example, Ramakrishna had to smash the idol of Kali in order to transcend it. Because reverence in SRF is valued at slavish levels, it becomes mandatory, a supremely necessary counterbalance, that we smash our belief systems so that we can approach God without limiting preconceptions.

5) Daya Mata and her minions have presented themselves as deities. There are many Bhaktis in SRF who require figures of worship to complete their sadhana. Well, isn't our guru's image enough? I suppose there are some kindergarten devotees who only feel certain their love is being received by God when it is directed to a living idol. But for most bhaktis this is counterproductive. All novice bhaktis can learn from adept bhaktis how to take the image of their guru and keep it before the spiritual eye and in the heart until one has an revelation of the inner form of the guru. I find the ladies at Mt. Washington to be offensive. Why? Even when they are not drawing attention to themselves, they are instrumental in creating or, at least, not preventing unnecessary crazy-making, paranoia and confusion within a spiritual environment, which can only be a distraction in the search of truth. Self-Realization is a wall-less temple of consciosness. But SRF is looking more like a cult of personality worship. Have you noticed we have been programmed through very conscious designs to live out our sadhanas as sniveling, sheep-like bhaktis. I once told a fellow SRF-er that we've been used for service but not valued as individuals. My friend jokingly replied: " Actually, we've only been placed on standby in case they need us to replace broken parts." Yet our guru endlessly tells us how special we are in the eyes of God.

6) Ever read our guru's "The Bad Man Who Was Preferred by God"? Guruji humorously tells the tale of Narada's search for devotees worthy of God's darshan. In the end it was a toss between an old anchorite and a very drunk young man. You know the story. Here's how the young drunk man talked to God: "You unfeeling, lazy God, what a fine friend you are! Come here now and help me to fix my pole in this hole, or I'll thrust the bamboo right through Your hard heart." Surely, our guru might have presented a racier picture of such a gentleman if he could have, but what would the prim and proper SRF membership think...you know, the sanitized Wonder Bread congregation? Back to the story: Narada replies, "You drunken fool, aren't you afraid to curse the omnipresent Lord?" And the drunken man replies, "Oh no, He understands me better than you do." We learn at the end of the story that the drunken foul-mouthed man is the one who captures God's heart and wins His darshan.

7) I'm sorry if I've come across more like Lenny Bruce than Mr. Rodgers. All I can say is those who are thin-skinned better learn to deal with it because there are more of us coming out of the closet every day. Expand.

Unregistered User
(9/8/01 8:30 pm)
Good one
Much better (for my taste). I realize we all have different things to say and ways of getting it across. Sorry if I sounded too critical.

Give 'em both barrels.

Unregistered User
(9/9/01 5:03 pm)
What can we do to help SRF?
Dear Punk Yogi,

I read and appreciated both your entries. Having been through the demoralizing treatment as a result of being in close proximity to the "bad ladies" and also being on the black list because I had the audacity to speak out against what is happening in SRF, I had a real laugh in seeing them as you described. It has been a long time since I could have a good laugh when thinking of mother center and the ruling huenta.

There are those of us who would like a second installment of your literary talent, perhaps using Transylvania as a back drop -- you pick it up from there. Lots of possibilities. Brain transplants, cloned monsters, seems to fit doesn't it??

I know there are several people reading and writing on this site that have been deeply hurt by their affiliation with mother center. It is hard to discribe the depth of the pain and how your heart is taken from you after you have devoted decades to believing everything you heard and read from SRF. How badly you wanted all your friends and family to see how right the teachings were and wanted them to feel the peace and love you were experiencing. Then you devote your life to serving and find out the truth. Lying is commonplace. Treachery, which Master said was the worst thing a person could do, abounds. All the rest you can read in the articles printed on this site. Believe me, there is more truth here than you will ever find at mc.

So, Punk Yogi, I know where you are coming from. You write very well and I hope you contribute more to this site. As it has been good for the cleansing of my soul, I pray that it will be good for yours also. I left because I could see that it made no difference. I was just another piece of dust being swept out the door.

But, know what? I have experienced more love from God and Master since I left. They did not desert me as I was led to believe they would. I did not get sick and die as I had been told would happen if I left the ashram.

I think Martin Luther King said it beautifully: Free at last, free at last. Thank God all mighty, I am free at last.

Punk Yogi
Unregistered User
(9/10/01 1:43 am)
To jlm
Dear jlm,

The only thing that can un-punk a punk is to hear his brothers and sisters happy and laughing.

I haven't seen Transylvania yet. How about Halloween? Meanwhile, check out the latest called "Brother Egomoy's Sudden Transformation" in the What Can We Do To Help SRF section.

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