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Mt. Washington, Ca
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        > Mrinalini Propaganda
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Unregistered User
(10/6/01 11:43 pm)
Mrinalini Propaganda
Anyone interested in analyzing the latest SRF video staring Mrinalini Mata?

This is one dangerous woman....who sincerely loves Master very much.

Unregistered User
(10/7/01 5:41 am)
Yes, she is dangerous. VERY dangerous. Only SHE knows whether she loves Yogananda. Her actions are quite questionable for me to buy all of that.

We all marveled at Yogananda's intellect and ability to say and word things quite properly. He marveled the people, on the boat trip to the United States, with his ability to speak English as he gave a speech to them. There never seemed to be a question of his ability to communicate his thoughts. YET, the last several decades have seen Mrinilini constantly "editing" and "translating" his writings. Chiddananda works with her constantly in this effort, as a laisson from MC.

Why is there a need for this? We have all seen examples of changes made, such as altering Yogananda's signature. What else has she seen fit to change and alter? How much of what is now in print, and purported to be Yogananda's words, is actually what he said, or meant? How much has been changed, by her, to further the aims and ideals of the bad ladies in charge? We actually have very little idea of what was actually intended, because of all the years of editing and changing things to suit their purposes.

Mrinilini. Indeed, a very dangerous person.

Moving On
Unregistered User
(10/8/01 8:23 pm)
Not to be questioned!
A dangerous woman? I'm not sure about that - I think she is in a dangerous position. Anyway, a little word of advice to all - never make the mistake of asking why she continues to edit Masters writings. After being torn to shreds for even asking - you will be told that she was trained by Master and we must not question her. This philosophy alone totally contradicts Masters teachings - I guess I'm just not receptive to their version of Masters teachings. Talk about "crazy making" - they are real experts at it!

Unregistered User
(10/9/01 2:15 am)
SRF Lessons
Is there any way to get ahold of the lessons before they were edited by Mrinalini?

Unregistered User
(10/9/01 6:36 am)
Early Lessons
The "DIF" people are trying to put together all sorts of material in the form they were before they were edited by Tara or any of them. See the following page:

I believe they have versions of the Lessons going way way back.

Unregistered User
(10/9/01 8:04 pm)
Old Lessons
There is (was) a place distributing photocopied versions of many old items, including Lessons. I think they are (were) in Texas. Couldn't find anything on Google.

Raja Begum
Unregistered User
(10/14/01 5:18 pm)
Gandhi quotes expressly for Her Highness Sri Sri Sri Mrinali
"I do not want my house to be walled in on sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible."

"Evolution of democracy is not possible if we are not prepared to hear the other side. "

"The very essence of democracy is that every person represents all the varied interests which compose the nation."

" In true democracy every man and women is taught to think for himself or herself."

Unregistered User
(11/21/01 4:22 pm)
The "Original" Lessons
They're available in some used book stores, and Priscilla Jackson published some of them for a time. The "first" edited editions by Orpha and her secratary Merna Brown (Saha-ha-ha ja and Mrinalini) were simply an organization of the writings done by Master, Lloyd Kennel, and a few others. They were an improvement.

Unregistered User
(11/21/01 6:03 pm)
Senior Moment . . .
Ah. the joys of age and failing memory... Orpha was Sailasuta, Jane was Sahaja (she once signed her name Sa ha-ha-ha ja). The rest was accurate. Orpha wrote a lot of articles in the early SRM's, and was the earliest editor of PY's work. She was followed by Jane Brush (remember the story of the revolver she kept in her purse?). and later Meera's daughter.

Now, if I can only remember my own name . . .

Unregistered User
(11/21/01 11:43 pm)
Re: The "Original" lessons
Try www.amrita.com. The web site isn't much but it has their contact info. They've been publishing things for years.

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