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Registered User
(2/10/04 4:50 pm)
The Da Vinci Code
Has anyone read this and what do you think of this book in terms of the teachings of SRF?

Registered User
(2/10/04 5:02 pm)
Re: The Da Vinci Code
I read mostly non fiction, punctuated by mysteries or fictional whims. But I have to say, The Da Vinci Code was was the first real page turner I've come across in several years. I mean I devoured it as fast as I could. Stayed up late reading it until I couldn't stay awake any longer.

In terms of SRF teachings, I don't have an opinion. Similarily, I picked up a copy of Left Behind at the local used bookstore, which I read at the gym, on the stationary bike, because it's an interesting yarn, not because I'm waiting for the rapture.

I had heard of, and read speculation, on the Priory of Sion some time before, in Ian Begg's, "The Cult of the Black Virgin."

I was also somewhat familiar with several of the Nag Hammadi books, like "The Gospel of Mary," that hint at how much we lost when some of the "lost teachings" were lost.

Registered User
(2/13/04 8:51 am)
Re: The Da Vinci Code
This is the third time I've come across a reference to the DaVinci Code, with positive feedback, this week.

Three's a charm, guess I'll pick it up and read it!


Registered User
(2/13/04 11:17 am)
Re: The Da Vinci Code
After The Da Vinci Code try his other book, Angels and Demons.

Registered User
(3/2/04 9:26 am)
Re: The Da Vinci Code
If you want to get a better understanding of this stuff in The DaVinci Code, read Holy Blood, Holy Grail. This is a non-fiction study of the very thing that "The Code" covers in a fictional format. The Priory of Scion is a real organization, and from what I can see, the bloodline of Jesus is too...

The newer book by the same authors The Messianic Legacy is even better, and discusses in depth who historical research seems to be telling us that Jesus was. It's strange, and totally different from what we've been taught, but when I took it inward, I found that feels true, and it's not at all in conflict with Master's teachings on Jesus.

Registered User
(3/4/04 1:43 pm)
Re: The Da Vinci Code
Sorry. I couldn't let this one pass.
Yes, the Priory is a "real" organization. It was formed in 1953 by Pierre Plantard, a convicted con man who served time for fraud. THe Priory Documents were forged by Phillipe de Cherissy in the same year. The Priory itself was a continuation of a group formed by Plantard durring WWII that was pro-Vichy (in other words, Nazi collaborators). The alleged bloodline depends on a marriage that didn't exist, since the bride (Giselle d'Gisores I believe) didn't exist.

To continue, the Merovingian pillar inside which the abbe Sauniere supposedly found the scrolls didn't exist at the time the restorations in the church in Renee-la-Chateau were undertaken. Records from the time indicate that Sauniere was barred from practicing the sacraments, not because he was involved in a heretical conspiracy involving the bloodline of CHrist, but because he was pocketing buckets of money selling masses he never performed, nor could he perform, given the number involved and the limited hours in a single day.

So the Priory itself is a complete and proven fraud.

The other issues are valid, though, and Plantard stole them from Rosicrucian and Hermetic Orders that had been operative in France for centuries. There is reason to believe that the wedding at Cana was Jesus' wedding, there is reason to believe that Mary Magdalene was "the disciple Jesus loved", there is a gnostic gospel of Mary Magdalene unearthed at Nag Hammadi, and, most interesting, if you look at the most recent photos of the restored "Last Supper" of DaVinci, it IS pretty clear that the person to Jesus' right IS a female.

Registered User
(3/15/04 8:08 pm)
Re: The Da Vinci Code
just a test post and a hi hi hello to those I haven't seen in a while...

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