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Mt. Washington, Ca
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        > Critical of SRF? Yes
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Unregistered User
(9/16/01 7:12 pm)
Critical of SRF? Yes
Just like we don’t condemn all Muslims for the actions of these terrorists, we don’t condemn all of SRF, or SRF devotees for the depressing misguided actions of the dozen at the top (or who think they are at the top). As for me I am not criticizing all of SRF and certainly not Master’s work, just those who have hijacked his organization in the Holy War to protect it (i.e. protect their positions and authority).

Psych Analyst
Unregistered User
(9/17/01 3:49 am)
Further thoughts..
Well said Beagle...

The majority of devotees who do not work for SRF merely come to enjoy the environment. Master's vibrations are to be felt and the grounds are well-maintained. A good environment provides sanctuary for the seeker of soul joys. From a devotional point of view, much of SRF is good and needs no attack or criticism. This is the positive end of SRF.

The wiser part of me, however, is constanly bothered by the notion that we devotees, by opening our hearts and minds unquestioningly wide to the influence of SRF rhetoric, its publications and counsel are somehow becoming ingrained and influenced by subtle dysfunctional messages which trickle-down from the board of directors.

It would be one thing if they, in what appears to be a self-appointed oligarchy, made themselves accessible and open to discussing serious matters with the members. Their surface-only attention put them in a position of increasing disrespect and disrepute with members who know them intimately. And I am convinced that even a strong public relations campaign on their part will no be able to mask their unsavory history.

It is not feasible due to the vibrations of the age as well as due to historical precedence, that the SRF organization can continue to thrive as an authoritative model clothed in the angel-puff of diffusion, the ruffles of multi-layered mismanagement. The conclusive evidence is that these mushrooming committees are nothing more than studio facades or front shops. The real racketeering goes on unsupervised; devotees are simply conditioned not to inquire even though their lives and money and time are being used to further the SRF cause. In my opinion, this is a unequal bargain and it stinks of sin and corrupts the principle of mutuality which is so much a theme in this present age.

I have a two-fold prediction: There is the possibilty of a major resurgence of public conservatism in our country as the government steps up security and watches the gates of society. As the public becomes more conservative, the government will become more liberal with how it implements its priviledges of power. That could get scary. Basically, our government would become even more what SRF is now. You can see the trend happening out of necessity. Bush is asking for more liberties. He's looking more like an Eastern warlord than a leader of the civilized world. Our SRF Mata's have enjoyed that kind of sway over the SRF organization: an authority of which no one is allowed to call into question ( aren't the Ayatollah Khomeni and Sadam Hussein enough, thank you!). Yuck! We don't need this creepy energy in the Dwapara Yuga. If you're still on the fence about this, I suggest you study two brilliant divinely inspired documents: the Declaration of Independance and the U.S. Constitution. And while you're at it, read Thomas Paine. In fact, steep yourself in the debates which preceeded the Revolutionary documents. If SRF inner leadership tone resonates with sweeping political conservatism, then SRF Matas will enjoy many more decades of Nixon-like secrecy, inaccessibility and influence. They'll become even more reliant on public relations to bolster their image as good ol' red blooded Americans. If they succeed in this, they can avoid being burnt at the stake by staunchly conservative Christians.

My second prediction is postulated on the assumption that the political scene doesn't alter public behavior too much. In this scenario, SRF is is just another dog pissing on the religion tree. I can't imagine SRf having any valid cultural relevance in the new age. Yes, they can be great as spiritual Republicans, but they cannot assist in the birth of a cultural renaissance of which spirituality, technology, multiculturalism, and a meeting of many perspective comes into play. To date, SRF has no intellectual culture. I'm afraid devotees might be happy if our governement was a benign police force. It would allow them to meditate and practice devotion in relative peace. Look at India Hall. What a shameful cabaret of insipid dramas. What happened to the meeting of great minds? What happened to that spirit in the Autobiography of a Yogi where the greatest in science and literature were given a forum to declare their ideas. Our guru championed these great contributers to culture. When was the last time you heard a Nobel prize winner speak at an SRF function? It's all tea and cookie socials. A lot of cute stuff. But cute gets nauseating after awhile.

Those who have commandeered of our guru's work. Whoever you may be. You are being watched. And in this Internet culture, you will be exposed with very little chance of hiding. Our guru says we all live in a glass house. You are being watched and your actions are being disclosed. There exists among the well-intentioned the room for forgiveness and leniency. But you, who act clandestinely and runious to individuals, deserve neither.

Unregistered User
(9/18/01 7:57 pm)
What will happen when SRF collapses?
I agree with your second prediction, that SRF will just be another dog in the religion pond. They will be smaller than most and probably dissipate and blow away in the next 25 years or so. The new batch of Mata’s is not very impressive and won’t be able to keep the old system working. Too many in the public have seen the inner workings and the numbers willing to give their life to SRF calls the monastic life will be fewer and fewer. People in this new age won’t want to be involved with a dogmatic Kali Yuga style organization like SRF.

That leaves us with what will happen. When the money is gone and the place disintegrates, what will happen to Master’s properties? People 1000 years from now would love to have those places to remember Yogananda. His writings and message will survive. Will the next generation let his properties, our SRF museums, turn into shopping malls and condos?

I guess it is too early to worry about that!

Unregistered User
(9/19/01 5:05 am)
What Will Happen?
What is happening to SRF is what SHOULD happen. The question arose as to what will happen to all the properties, etc. I have to ask, what is the difference?
Didn't virtually everyone get involved with SRF because they were searching for God? Everyone was sick and tired of the ritual and dogma of the world's religions, they were looking for (finally) a way to find God and they thought this was it. Well, we all got suckered into just another religion. Same old, same old. Oh, it was spiced up with eastern philosophy that was different and therefore, refreshing and interesting.

It had a beautiful, endearing face and was garbed in "Only Love". But after most of us, who were so enamored with it, became involved with the inner workings of it, gave up everything we had and made to feel "special" for it, spent years trying to live a life which had nothing to do with God, we opened our eyes to the fact that SRF wa just another psychologically enslaving religion, a brainwashing cult.

What in Heaven's name did any of it have to do with God? Nothing, that's what. We fell into the trap of thinking that we needed an intermediary between us and God. That's the same line that has kept religion going since who knows when.

If it is true that God loves us all equally (and I am convinced that He does) then the need to be following the ritual and dogma of a religion is senseless. Most people have felt His presence and blessings. Those were personal gifts from Him to us. He showed that He knew and recognized us and loved us as individuals. What more do you expect from Him? Seek Him out as individuals. Speak to Him whenever or wherever you like. You certainly don't need the crutch of a religion to do that.

The freedom you will feel is euphoric. Free yourselves from those leeches who would suck you dry and then mistreat and discard you. Embark on your individual search for God and free yourself from all these things that you find repulsive about the religion of SRF. Believe me, you won't be happy until you do.

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