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        > Bribing the Monastics
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Unregistered User
(9/21/01 9:31 pm)
Bribing the Monastics
I understand that SRF management is now giving monastics a small amount of money when they leave IF IF IF they sign an agreement saying they will not talk about SRF after they are gone.

out of there
Unregistered User
(9/22/01 6:48 am)
This is absolutely true. At least the part about signing the paper.

I Second That
Unregistered User
(9/22/01 9:06 am)
The exit papers
Most have had to sign the non-disclosure clause, but not all. As far as I know, all so far have had to sign a clause waiving his or her right to sue SRF in the future for any liability they might have. Supposedly this is legal because the exit money is a gift. But it is a gift reported to the IRS as wages. Some ex-monastics did not know this and got a big surprise from the IRS -- had to take out bank loans to pay the government. After self employment tax, social security tax, the money can be cut almost in half. SRF is mum on this as far as I know. Any good tax advice people out there?

Unregistered User
(9/22/01 10:07 am)
Tax Help
You might contact the Transition website. I don't know, but there might be people who can help.

We have to cloak everything in layers of secrecy since we are all so afraid of SRF. What a shame!

Any lawyers, or tax consultants can probably contact the same group and get on the list of people willing to help each other.

Unregistered User
(9/22/01 10:20 am)
Board Name Clarification
I just noticed that the Tranassist name is the email address used by the folks running the valuable Transition Network website to help monastics. I am not directly affiliated with that website and used that “name” without knowing it might look like I was with them.

Don’t take any of my notes as being part of those brave folks efforts, or take any ideas expressed as ideas they might share. I will use a different name from now on.

Raja Begum
Unregistered User
(9/22/01 10:23 am)
Isn't that coercion? The monastics are not permitted to read outside literature or be in contact with advisors from the outside. So there is never a time when they can become savvy about their legal rights. Then, they're asked to waive their rights in order to obtain surivival money. But the money which they thought was a gift turns out to be regular wages on which they pay taxes. What happened to their dowry? Aren't they merely getting the money back that they gave SRF in te first place?

All the way around, SRf seems to be taking unfair advantage of the leaving monastic's lack of knowledge and access to helpful counsel. Not only should you get tax advice but also legal advice. Get a bunch of you together, pitch in and sollicit an attorney. Or maybe find one among your acquaintances who could offer his / her counsel as a gift of mercy.

There must be a way to nullify those agreements. Most of you were under duress while SRF had an unfair advantage. The thing is they've conditioned you to accept whatever they dish out. Time to get out the rock and sling and make great Goliath fall.

I encourage you to ignore their extortions of promise and share everthing you know for the collective benefit of all others who have been trashed and psychologically raped by SRF management.

If you consider yourself a spiritual Kshatriya, there is no other choice but to stand for your principles fearlessly.

Registered User
(9/25/01 8:01 am)
Re: Bribing the Monastics
It's my understanding that what you said about SRF giving some money to monastics leaving now is correct. NOt much but, like everything now (unfortunately) in SRF, they are giving it because of law suits. An ex monk family (I believe his name was Bri.Russell) sued them and things got into motion. Do you want results from SRF? Sue them or infringe the perfect PR image they spent 50 years to create and suddenly "their spirituality" will prompt them to care about people who gave their lives for them!!!
To get monks or nuns to sign is not very difficult: after dedicating years of their lives to a cause, being brainwashed, after feeling like dying when leaving, they would never even think to sue their Master's organization! It takes time, maybe years to realize that SRF and Yogananda are two different things! Then is when one starts to realize the extent of the abuse!

Unregistered User
(9/25/01 8:53 am)
Why we don't sue
The bottom line, kevin, is that we are b.r.o.k.e. If we don't accept the money where do we go? There is no transition program, no offer of temporary housing or food or working with the system to find out about education, etc. This of course, is in addition to the brainwhipped state you wrote about. Not a pretty picture, so we sign.

Unregistered User
(9/25/01 4:36 pm)
How much money are we talking about? Ball park figure is fine.

Unregistered User
(9/25/01 9:21 pm)
How much
I suspect none of them are going to give you a figure since it is embarrassing. They give different monastics different amounts I believe, negotiating to see how little they can get away with. A few I know are able to live 4 or 5 months on the amount, on bread and water of course.

The fact that they make them sign that form is a disgrace to Master’s work. No further proof is needed of how inappropriate it is to have the “bad ladies” represent SRF.

Some day “love will take over SRF”. We will treat departing monastics as family members moving out of the house, helping them and encouraging them, keeping in contact and having them over for things. Life outside is just another way of life, not a betrayal of SRF.

Unregistered User
(9/25/01 10:30 pm)
Love Taking Over SRF

There will have to be many, many ascension ceremonies before love ever has a chance of taking over SRF. We'll just have to wait and see.

Unregistered User
(9/25/01 11:00 pm)
Bye Bye Bad Ladies
Any idea how long of a wait we're talking about?

Unregistered User
(9/30/01 1:25 pm)
Do all the monastics still there know about this bribe? How do you think they rationalize it? I am interested to know why ANYONE is still in the ashram other than the broken or ambitious ones..

Registered User
(9/30/01 6:01 pm)
From what I have gathered from an ex monk, after 10 years he got his own money back (a deposit he did when he entered the ashram so that SRF doesn't have to pay an air ticket if the monk decides to leave- the deposit is equal to a ticket fair back to wherever he/she came from) plus about $500.
SRF revised the policy a year ago and it seems it gives a bit more money now, not sure how much.
A nun who stayed for more than 20 years I think got 4 or 5K. My guess! I know they cannot afford to buy a car.
One bramachari who was responsible for the computer dept. for many years got a good ammount. He demanded 1/2 milion from SRF. I don't know what he got but if he knew how to play his cards well he might have got $50K. I admire him... .he stayed long enough to understand how things work in SRF and used their same standards. It is not important for me how much he got but that he got it at all.

Another thing: when a monastic leaves he "knows" that wahtever SRF gives is out of the Goodness of their hearts and that he/she should not expect anything at all. It comes from the idea of "giving of one's own life to God and Guru".

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