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Astral7 Level
(4/28/03 5:04 pm)
Re: Marshall Govindan--Babaji's Kriya Yoga
Interesting notes by all here about M Govindan;

Especially re that WIE Essay on Babaji, in the Summer 2002 edition.

It was an interesting essay in some respects, and I was really confused as to why the devotees
Of Sri Aurobindo[who run that magazine] would put one sleazy page with false data about Paramahansa Yogananda right in the middle of it. A page that had a special border around it to attact special attention.
Two things, first of all it is not unusual for Govindan to give out false data about Kriya, Ayurveda, and the Babaji lineage of Gurus. Second – after the 3rd reading that essay seems more like an infomercial for MG.
I have heard one of his talks, and met him for a discussion in person, and spoken with some of his students. He is not very credible in various areas and this to me arouses the question of his comopetence as a teacher at any level. How competant is MGwell he didn’t even have the presence of mind not to make false accusations before the third DNA test was done re Yogananda last year! That's bad!
He regualarly tells students that he has no organization and will never have to join one - while all the time he has them regrouping in meeting groups and is developing his global organization. on & etc.
Unfortunately, if you go to the WIE site you cannot see the “sleaze page 85 against PY”, but you can read the essay about Babaji of course. For some time I wondered how such a yellow jounalism page[85] would be allowed in the middle [separate from] the Babaji essay.
I wrote the writer and GM about page 85, and of course there was no response.
The only thing I can figure, is that MG went out on that careless limb – the bad page maybe as a payment for the Babaji essay. You see, although the essay says things about Babaji, the overall drift of that essay of 10 pages is an clearly designed infomercial for MG [this is done with many mentions throughout and endless praises for GM on pages 87,88, & 89. With that sleaze page as the cream – so to speak.
I have seen this done before by other groups with other publications.
If Govindan really has increased his appreciation for Paramahansa Yogananda in recent months, I would only believe this to be true, if an apology to all of Master’s devotees for that crude and unspiritual page 85 was printed in the next issue of WIE magazine [with a special border around it], and also GM’s own web site for about one year with a link fromt the home page. Otherwise – talk is cheap. So again, that WIE page was pretty bad, but add to that the steady stream of false data about these Gurus he has been giving at lectures for years – it is a sad record.
As bad as that page #85 of the summer ed. was, there was something very revealing in that essay, something which really comes much clearer when one speaks to GM in person.
Here are some the following comments from WIE.
That matter of Babji telling MG on Christmas day of year?
That he should be teaching Kriya Yoga?????????

It is on page 88, after MG attempts to falsley denigrate and destroy Yogananda’s credibility, that the writer Cphipps asks GM,” when you saw Babaji on the vital plane, could you physically touch him?”
“No, I did not acutally feel him physically, but there was this sort of parallel reality” replied Govindan. End.
Well, I hope his sources and awareness are better here than they were on page 85 about Yogananda!

From what I understand his way of teaching Kriya is quite different from the basic method brought from Babaji, via Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Yukteswar & Yogananda. The differences I would not go into here on a public page as it would be talking to much on how to do kriya. Unwise from any source.
But just think, as time goes on – how many more teaches will have very different ways of teaching this and fullfull Yogananda’s prophecy that in 200 years you won’t recognize these teachings.
For example there are at least 3 or 4 direct disciples of Yogananda out there, claiming to be gurus is direct succession to Yogananda. Since He as the chief disciple of that great lineage tells us very clearly that he was be the last in that Guru lineage. How long will it take those devotees to cease such claims.
Are they saying, directly and indireclty “don’t listen to him – listen to us.”

But just as a hint, I recall that Rajneesh was for years teaching Hong–sau to all devotees backwards, at some point around 1980? he all of a sudden announced, ”now that you are all more advanced you can do it the right way.”
To me that was to cover up the fact that he just figured it out himself. He later told all,"I was never anyones guru."
If one knows the basic mechanics of how this stuff works, teaching it backwards may never work.
Compare this to Dr. Herbert Benson’s relaxation response, [which I presume he wrote about to belittle the great achievements of yoga methods] – true it will relax you a certain amount, but that is where the similarity ends.
Doubt if it will take you where the yogic pranayama will. At least there is no record of such achievement with his method – including the doctor himself.

It seems that when some yogins are desperate to teach, if they have nothing better to offer, they can add a new twists to almost anything to look original, or even make claims that in most cases don’t seem to hold much validity. And for those claims that “Babaji told me to do it.” Give us break!

Going back to Paramahansa Yogananda, this is believable. From his life example, by which he didn’t ever knock down other teachers [or even all those copying his work], From those many great ones Yogananda brought ot God-realization, and the clear flowing and preparation of this lineage to the establishing of this extaordinary legacy through Self-Realization Fellowship/YSS. The most noteworthy fact about PY’s life is that he had no personal desire for this job, but did it to serve us all at the request of his Gurus -paramgurus etc.

With Regards and Respect Astral.7

Edited by: astral7 at: 4/29/03 10:50:43 am
Registered User
(6/6/03 12:35 pm)
Re: hong sau
Hong sau, hamsa or soham, as it is more commonly known, has been around a long time in India and is nothing unique to SRF. Most Indians would say that we are practicing it wrong by using the bengali pronunciation of hong sau rather than the sanskrit pronunciation of hamsa. As for doing it backwards or forwards, it is taught both ways. Some say that householders should do it one way and renunciants should do it the other way, which may be why Osho told his long term followers to change how they were doing it. The main thing is to follow the instructions of one's Guru. None of these techniques are worth much without the grace and blessings of God and Guru. It's only the ignorant who think think that their way is the right way, and others are all wrong. Astral7 says of Guruji, "...he didn't ever knock down other teachers." It would be good for Astral7 and all of us to follow in Guruji's footsteps.

Edited by: Borg108 at: 6/6/03 3:23 pm
Registered User
(6/14/03 7:45 pm)
Re: hong sau
Here is a personal email that was sent to me by Marshall himself in 2002. I had notified him that myself and others had been talking about him in a public message board. Below is his response to me about that and many other things.


"Marshall Govindan" <marshall.govindan@s...>
To: "Premabrahm" <jovisiddha@y...>
Subject: RE: Marshall Govindan
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 18:53:51 -0500

Dear Premabrahm.

I have received your email in which you invited me to read what you and others have said about me. You mentioned that you were initiated by me in Phoenix in March of last year. I have looked at the list of persons initiated then and I do not find your name. Perhaps you were using a different name at that event. Would you kindly tell me the name that I would recognize?

You mentioned that when you were in Toronto you called me and requested permission to visit our ashram in Quebec. I do not recall any thing of the sort, but if I did tell you that it was not possible to visit, I am sure that it must have been for a very good reason. As you know, I do travel alot, and when I am here we do have many visitors. It is my policy to make everyone who wants to visit, feel welcome. You are welcome to visit whenever you like. I also do make of point of replying to all of the emails we receive, which number in the thousands every year. I spend 18 hours a day helping others to learn Babaji's Kriya Yoga and I have been doing this for more than 30 years, through Babaji's grace.

I have found only one other message on your board about myself, which you have just posted, from a "kc" I consider what he has said and what you have said about me to be completely untruthful, and hateful. I believe that you should limit your comments to facts, and keep your judgments to yourself. You do a great disservice to yourself and others by slandering me.

If you have doubts about what I am doing, why don't simply share them with me directly? Are you a seeker of truth, or one who simply enjoys slandering others? Your attacks on me say more about you than about me!. And you write about non-violence and call others cowards!

For the record, I have never allowed money to be an obstacle to initiation. There is a suggested contribution depending upon the country. In many places, there is no suggested contribution, when we are able, via our charity, to sponsor the training. This past weekend, our charitable Order of acharyas sponsored a 1st level initiation seminar to 30 persons absolutely free of charge in Washington, D.C. During the past 2 months, one of our acharyas has given the initiation seminar to over 30 persons in 5 different cities in India.

We are teaching Babaji's Kriya Yoga. We are not teaching the Kriya Yoga which Yogananda modified and adapted to serve the needs of Americans during his time. Yogananda did wonderful work, but Babaji needed to continue his teaching through other vehicles. I am not going to repeat what has already been written about this elsewhere, including "Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradtion" and on our website. Alll spiritual tradtions grow like trees. There are a number of branches on the tree of Kriya Yoga. Each of them is bearing fruit. But one fruit does not suit everyone. All are welcome to sample the fruit and grow from each. Why condemn some branches for not conforming to your expectations or particular needs.? .

I have received thousands of letters of appreciation from persons who have received initiation from me and our other Acharyas. I can count on one hand the number of letters or emails from persons who were not completely satisfied. Your attack is a first, and it is unique as well because it is posted on a public bulletin board.. I have to weigh it against everything else which I have received. I believe that if you would take the time to dialogue with me in person or by telephone, that you may overcome what I consider to be a misreading on your part of who I am, and what I am offering. But perhaps you prefer to slander me rather than to seek the truth? I extend my hand to you and I will welcome hearing from you in response. I am not interested in dialoguing with you through your bulletin board. But you may call me at 1-888-252-9642.

Om Kriya Babaji Nama Aum


M. Govindan


Marshall was really bent on telling me all the good things he is doing. I was quite bored with this letter from him, but I feel it is useful in revealing qualities about himself.

Registered User
(6/14/03 7:50 pm)
What Govindan's Thugs Said to Me
From the Friends of Baba M. Govindan posted on April 7th on the Enlightened-Center Kriya Yoga Message Board.

Premabrahm, you demonic juvenile!

Those aren't Baba's words! They can't be, for Baba M. Govindan is the most benevolent person on the face of the planet. You are only slandering our Baba because of jealousy! Your motive is very obvious, you are a virtual unknown in the New Age scene, while our Baba has been basking in opulence for many years, backed by a one of a kind bestseller and thousands of disciples from all over.

If its true that you are an initiate in the authentic Kriya Yoga of Babaji Nagaraj, then we officially challenge you to post the entire initiation ceremony, technique and all, in this message board. If not, then that means that you have openly admitted to be the biggest fraud, deceiver, and charlatan spiritual teacher in the worldwide web.

Om Kriya Babaji Namah Aum!

In the name of Truth,



To follow up their challenge, I immediately posted all the techniques that are a part of Marshall Govindan's "Babaji's Kriya Yoga". I don't think they were pleased, because I was posting their $300 worth of techniques on the Internet for free.

Marshall Govindan always ride in the name of Lahiri Mahasaya and Paramhansa Yogananda to connect his imaginary Babaji into the authentic Mahavatar Babaji of their lineage. Govindan's Kriya Yoga does not even remotely resemble Babaji's Kriya yoga as given to Lahiri Mahasaya and his successors. It is nothing but an invention of his real "guru" Yogi Ramaiah.

Yogi Ramaiah (not to be confused with Sri Rama Yogi often mentioned by Yogananda), Marshall Govindan's guru, is a con artist who is notorious all over India. If you browse through his website you will realize up to what extent Govindan's guru is willing to go to further his con work. This includes a drawing of Babaji patterned after Sananda Lal Ghosh's Babaji illustration in Autobiography of a Yogi with a superimposed picture of Yogi Ramaiah www.kriyayoga.org/yf3.gif marketed as a real photograph, Babaji's "signature" kriyayoga.org/SIGNATUREBABAJI.gif , complete with a fabricated biography kriyayoga.org/kyoga.html#babaji which happens to be the same "Babaji life story" propagated by Marshall Govindan www.babaji.ca/english/babaji_2.html

Beware of Ramaiahs and Govindans!

Edited by: SwamiPrem at: 8/2/03 6:06 pm
Registered User
(6/14/03 8:14 pm)
Re: What Govindan's Thugs Said to Me
There are 108 techniques that the Masters and rishis discovered that lead to higher states of consciousness and the eventuality of enlightenment. Of those 108 techniques, Lahiri Mahasaya took only the best of those techniques, and divided them up into different levels or degrees. Of those that Lahiri Mahasaya selected to be a part of his Kriya Yoga, five of those techniques appear in the first degree initiation of Lahiri Mahasaya's Kriya Yoga.

All of Marshall Govindan's 144 techniques of his "Babaji's Kriya Yoga" do not resemble the 108 techniques that the Masters and rishis have been using for thousands upon thousands of years. Not even Marshall's main Kriya resembles the Kriya (the primary practice of Kriya Yoga) of Lahiri Mahasaya. What Marshall basically did was take what he read in Autobiography of a Yogi concerning the Kriya and turned that into his own self-created practice.

Marshall is known to be a drop out of SRF, and was never able to complete the SRF lessons. If he had only waited for Kriya initiation by SRF, he would have had the real Kriya. Instead, he went to the lecture of an Indian confidence artist going by the name of Yoga Ramaiah. This confidence artist is known in India for his deceitful actions. This might have been one of the reasons Marshall strayed from his teacher, and started his own Kriya.

Marshall has also stated, though I forget the exact spot or article, that he has never had direct, physical darshan with his "Babaji" character. He says he has only had two visions of "Babaji".

Govindan teaches his students to worship Babaji as a god, and he even teaches a technique to commune with his Babaji character during meditation.

I hope all my postings concerning Marshall Govindan have been useful.

Swami Da Prem

Edited by: SwamiPrem at: 7/22/03 2:53 pm
Registered User
(6/14/03 9:06 pm)
Re: What Govindan's Thugs Said to Me
Great Job!

I just intuitively sensed something was "off" about Govindan. I emailed him last week suggesting that he apologize for the erroneous comments made about Yoganandaji. He replied that he owes no apology because what he said was based on facts. He also said that if I was a truthseeker I wouldn't rush to judgment. (Look who's rushing to judgment.) :lol

Registered User
(6/14/03 11:01 pm)
Re: What Govindan's Thugs Said to Me
It seems that whole truth seeker issue that he pulls in his messages is quite common of him.

Maybe you should ask him to supply his facts. He doesn't have any. His facts are all in his head due to his imagination.

Govindan also does a great disservice to Yogananda by still calling him "Swami" and not "Paramhansa". Babaji never made Yogananda in the first place a Swami, and he never made him a Paramhansa. It was Sri Yukteswar who gave these honorific titles to Yogananda.

Govindan seems to contradict himself a lot. One of my students was reading the message that Govindan sent me, and he said, "18 hours?" and started laughing. If Govindan is teaching for 18 hours every day for the past 30 years, this means he is only getting 6 hours of sleep every night. But, if he is teaching all day, he probably needs some time to relax, to eat, to take a poop, and also meditate, right? So, this would bring Govindan down to around 4 hours of sleep every night. That is major sleep debt. The body should get 8 or 9 hours a night.

Now, the funny thing is this. When I went to his initiation seminar in Phoenix, he barely did anything. He sat there, or was absent from the room a lot, and allowed his other teachers to teach for him. And the seminar was only from ten in the morning to around five or six in the evening. Thats only six or seven hours with a few breaks and a long lunch break. That doesn't quite add up to 18 hours does it?

Swami Da Prem

Registered User
(7/18/03 9:22 pm)
I'm sorry I started all this...
I started this thread a while back because I wanted to know what others thought of a spiritual teacher that my friend was interested in and possibly working with. Recently, I got back together with my friend (we live on opposite coasts of the USA and mostly communicate over email) after many long months apart, and my fears were TOTALLY cleared up. At only 20 years of age, my friend has been a Kriyaban for nearly his entire formative years(he took his first Kriya initiation at 16). When most of us were loosing our virginity and going to our first all-night kegger or suffering through Rush Week in College, he was spending hours and hours learning to play the harmonium, praying to God, and doing his Kriyas... and I must say that in the short few months he's spent knowing Govindan, he has grown more into the presence of God than he probably did in those first 4 years combined.

Honestly, I think people here need to GET TO WORK. Stop wasting your time worrying about who's right and who's wrong on the spiritual path, and start FINDING GOD. If Govindan isn't your spiritual leader, that's 100% fine... But what is the purpose of wasting your energy badmouthing him or worrying about whether his Kriya Yoga is "right" or not? I have since read his Babaji and the 18 Siddhas Kriya Yoga Tradition, and it is a treasure trove of archeological, historical, and mythological information on the culture of Tamil Nadu as well as on our wonderus Babaji. I was recently very worried about some attitudes I'd discovered within my spiritual community. A wise person picked up on this worry, as it was tossing about in my mind, and he said "Forget about it. Find God. Then worry about other people. You're right to focus on these weaknesses, but you're turning your desire for change in the wrong direction. Any weakness you find your ego pointing out in others is something you should look for in yourself." So please, I beg of you, my digital community: Look inside yourself, blast away your own weaknesses and delusions, and CHANGE. Find God. When you do, you'll have infinite patience and infinite power to help others. Remember when Jesus said "Let you who is without sin cast the first stone?" Only the one speaking from cosmic consciousness can really make an unbiased decision or see the weaknesses in others clearly. Jesus also said "How can you remove the splinter from your brother's eye when there is a plank in yours?" There's so much hatred and fear boilling up in people right now, brothers and sisters. Let's stop contributing to it and do what we can to change it... BY CHANGING OURSELVES.

How, I ask can Govindan be "channelling demons" if he's helping people to find truth? How can any of you "know" that his Babaji is a "false" one, but the Babaji that some Wiccan is talking to is the "true" one? Wiccans aren't even a part of Yoga... While I too was somewhat distraught over the statement in What is Enlightenment?, I have since done MY OWN research. I've read Govindan's writings and I've found them to be truthful and sincere by simply shining the light of meditation on them. Who gives a flying @#%$ if Govindan's Kriya techniques are different than our Guru's? The descendents of Lahiri teach a significantly different Kriya than SRF does... Besides, SRF hasn't exactly proven itself to be all that reputable anyhow. Why are we suddenly using them as the standard for what's the "true" Kriya?

Can't you see that these are the EXACT SAME arguements that Fundamentalist Christians make against other religious groups... "We're the right church. If you don't follow us, you're going to hell" Truth doesn't work like that, and being Kriyabans, you should realize that. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO, as long as you just LOVE GOD. It's pretty obvious to me that Govindan loves Babaji, and loves God, and he's teaching others to love God too. Master Called the original church in Hollywood the "Self-Realization Chuch of All Religions", and I for one think we should live by that ideal as his devotees. I mean, if we can't even get along with people in our own lineage (and as a devotee of our immortal master Babaji, Govindan falls into our family tree), then how can we expect to call ourselves the church of all religions?

Let's all just shut up and get to work finding God and loving the human race unconditionally! :rollin

Edited by: MastersChela at: 7/18/03 10:18 pm
Registered User
(7/18/03 9:32 pm)
One more thing
Do you guys know that this thread is the #1 hit on Google when you type in Marshall Govindan? Anyhow, just thought you should all know that people ARE listening to what we say here. We're devotees of Master. Let's try to be his channels as much as we can be. Just think before you spew hatred and anger. I'm not saying we should censor ourselves, but I for one am doing all I can to be the kind of chela Yoganandaji would be proud of. Let's speak truth and love and acceptance :D

Registered User
(7/22/03 5:53 am)
Re: I'm sorry I started all this...
MastersChela, I'm so glad you spoke up. I have been following the conversations on Walrus for quite some time now. Originally, when I explained that I practiced Kriya but had a different Guru, not only did someone who was still thoroughly wrapped up in SRF attack me, but there were subtle attacks from others who are separating from SRF. Because I have recently come out of a Fundamentalist version of Judaism (I was a Lubavitcher, if that means anything to people here), and returned to Kriya, I can see the signs of Fundamentalism quite clearly, and I see them throughout the pages of the Walrus.

I'm friends with a woman who's Guru is Da Free John, or whatever he calls himself these days. I have my opinions about him, and will gently express my concerns to her, but I would never attack. She has grown quite a lot because of him. If she becomes harmed, I will help her, but until then, her soul is opening up and it isn't my place to 'save her'. I have my own opinions about Sai Baba and would never recommend to anyone to visit him. I can say, "when a person is using siddhis in a way that seems to say they are an end in themselves and for self aggrandizement, you should be careful with that person. Whether these are real siddhis or not really doesn't matter. The emphasis is not on enlightenment but on the trappings of Maya". I have had major experiences with vibhuti, with a different Guru, and would never claim that this is an illusion. Incense ash is commonly used for blessings, and I received one from it. This particular Guru manifested a small container of it from a flower. I was watching him very closely at the time. He did it in a way that was not ostentatious and is not famous. Another of Yogananda's Disciples spoke slander about my Guru's Guru, and I was appalled, because I know my lineage is a true one, and we are taught to respect other teachers, not to claim we are 'right' and they are 'wrong', and yes, I have my opinions about Yogananda and Guru's who are not embodied. My previous Guru did not incarnate - I have a new one in this lifetime who was a teacher from a previous lifetime, but not my Guru. My previous Guru has appeared to me once, to give me a blessing. I respect the beliefs that others have concerning this matter. If you are led to enlightenment, then my petty beliefs in the matter are inconsequential and it doesn't matter anyway.

While I feel it is necessary to use discernment in life, this is to be applied everywhere, including what we say about others. What leads a person to enlightenment? I suspect it is different for everyone. There is a Zen Koan that tells us that a monk was enlightened by the sound of two pebbles hitting each other as he swept his walkway.

What matters to the lineage is not who you have as a Guru. If you are breathing Kriya, meditating and you are, in Yogic terms, adhering to the Yamas and Niyamas, then what business is it of others to judge you and why would you judge? True discernment encompasses respect, and does not involve slander of other peoples Gurus and spiritual paths. If a friend comes to you with an issue that concerns them about their teacher, talk to them about it and help them if you can. Often we are misled by our egos, anyway. When a person is ready to move on, they can. People should not be emotionally, mentally, or physically coerced onto or off of a spiritual path. That is a Fundamentalist expression and is harmful. If their teacher is doing something that is criminal, then the proper authorities need to be alerted and the students assisted in whatever way we are able to help them, to heal and move on.

It's good that there is information about cults on the internet, so people can have access to the information, but since I have experienced my own path referred to in that way and know it is not true, I find that to truly discern the truth takes much more enlightenment than many of us, including myself, have.


Edited by: etzchaim at: 7/22/03 7:39 am
Registered User
(7/22/03 9:35 am)
thank you


Registered User
(7/25/03 11:03 pm)
a fabulous teacher
Regarding Marshall Govindan (now "Satchidananda"): I've talked with him many times and taken his classes--levels 1, 2, and 3. He's always impressed me with his vast knowledge of yoga and meditation, and is a helpful and compassionate person.

Edited by: prssmd at: 2/16/04 5:58 am
Registered User
(7/31/03 12:35 am)
Re: a fabulous teacher
I have been with Govindan several times. He is an honest man, I have seen him working hard to serve others through yoga. Just check his web to see all the projects he is doing. The techniques he teaches are different from the ones of Yogananda, so there is no use in comparing them.
Regarding the posts of "SwamiPrem", I would say that at least one of them is absolutely false, the one tittled What Govindan's Thugs Said to Me. Nobody calls Govindan "Baba"! He is just "Govindan". That post was very funny, as it was all invented "our Baba this..", "our Baba that.." :lol :lol
And the mantra was also mistaken: Om Kriya Babaji Namah Om!
The correct mantra is: Om Kriya Babaji Namah Aum!
So that so called post from "FRIENDS OF BABA" is completely false.

Beware of "SwamiPrems" and "Brahman-Atmanandas"...

Note: this post was published in 7/31/03. After that, in 8/2/03, SwamiPrem hurried to correct the wrong spelling of the mantra in his original post.

Edited by: hunben at: 8/6/03 4:52 am
Registered User
(7/31/03 8:58 am)
RE: beware "SwamiPrem"
Beware of "SwamiPrems" and "Brahman-Atmanandas"...

Who are you, anyhow, Swami Prem? I don't mean to ask you to violate the Walrus code of anonimity, but since you put your picture on all your posts, I assume that you don't really worry about that much.

So, who are you? I mean, what makes you such an expert on all these things? Seems you've got a "direct line" to lots of people, and you seem to speak in such difinitive statements. I just was wondering what your background is. Are you a disciple of Yogananda? Are you a REAL Swami?

What's the scoop?

Registered User
(8/6/03 11:40 am)
Re: RE: beware "SwamiPrem"

I left my apartment in Calcutta
and headed for the Mahendra Café.
Passing all the bazaars and the
Beggars asking for alms.
I sat down with my chai tea
and began reading, The Deccan Herald.

You walked in with your ochre robe
and flowing Christ-like hair.
Ordered chai tea too, but
With a shot of brandy.
Seemed strange to me,
But then you were very different.

You looked my way; our eyes met,
I felt you took me for a fool.
You walked over to my table,
And not even asking, you sat down.
Smiling, I smiled back at you
Then went back to reading the Herald.

Tired, I looked up
And met your eyes
Gazing over at me.
You asked if I knew Jesus,
Or Krishna, or was it Allah?
They were all the same to me.

I replied, “I know them all
But what is more, I know you:
You are the man who walks
All through Calcutta
Sometimes chanting
With the Hare Krishnas,
Sometimes trying to save our souls
With the Preacher in Krishna’s Plaza.
And wasn’t it you one day
With the Koran in your hand,
Telling us all that it was your way or none?”

You said, “No. That was not I.
I am against them all.”
I am only for me.
And I replied,
"Yes, I know,
But you've wanted us to think
That you are for All
And deep inside I know you are."

Seeing I was not that kind of fool,
You mistook me for another,
You told me that my guru wasn’t true,
Then said, “You should follow me?”
I got up and left you sitting there with
Your chai tea and its shot of brandy.

from The Nag Champa, chapter 1, verses 1-7

Registered User
(8/8/03 9:49 pm)
Re: RE: beware "SwamiPrem"
Who are you, anyhow, Swami Prem? I don't mean to ask you to violate the Walrus code of anonimity, but since you put your picture on all your posts, I assume that you don't really worry about that much.

Go here to learn about me:


Registered User
(8/10/03 7:31 am)
While my Guru adviced me to leave this forum quietly, I feel that I need to set that advice aside even just for a moment to reply a post by hunben a.k.a. prssmd which slipped my vision prior to the posting of his open letter.

"Nobody calls Govindan 'Baba'! He is just 'Govindan'. That post was very funny, as it was all invented 'our Baba this..', 'our Baba that..'

If I can produce a scanned copy of Yoga Journal magazine with a Marshall Govindan paid ad that has the line "Baba Marshall Govindan himself" below his photograph, would you admit that he was once referred to as Baba in your organization? This shift from Baba to Govindan (a name of God, Krishna) only came later.

"Note: this post was published in 7/31/03. After that, in 8/2/03, SwamiPrem hurried to correct the wrong spelling of the mantra in his original post."

How can someone "hurry" within a two day disparity? Hurry means to move or act with speed or haste. I edited my post in 8/2/03 to add the following lines:

Marshall Govindan always ride in the name of Lahiri Mahasaya and Paramhansa Yogananda to connect his imaginary Babaji into the authentic Mahavatar Babaji of their lineage. Govindan's Kriya Yoga does not even remotely resemble Babaji's Kriya yoga as given to Lahiri Mahasaya and his successors. It is nothing but an invention of his real "guru" Yogi Ramaiah.

Yogi Ramaiah (not to be confused with Sri Rama Yogi often mentioned by Yogananda), Marshall Govindan's guru, is a con artist who is notorious all over India. If you browse through his website you will realize up to what extent Govindan's guru is willing to go to further his con work. This includes a drawing of Babaji patterned after Sananda Lal Ghosh's Babaji illustration in Autobiography of a Yogi with a superimposed picture of Yogi Ramaiah www.kriyayoga.org/yf3.gif marketed as a real photograph, Babaji's "signature" kriyayoga.org/SIGNATUREBABAJI.gif , complete with a fabricated biography kriyayoga.org/kyoga.html#babaji which happens to be the same "Babaji life story" propagated by Marshall Govindan www.babaji.ca/english/babaji_2.html

Edited by: SwamiPrem at: 8/12/03 11:47 am
Registered User
(8/10/03 10:46 am)
Re: In Reply to Your "Baba"

Edited by: surfer269 at: 8/13/03 5:39 am
Registered User
(8/10/03 11:46 pm)
Re: re: a fabulous teacher?
reply a post by hunben a.k.a. prssmd which slipped my vision prior to the posting of his open letter

I truly wonder who is prssmd. And more than that, I wonder how did I appeared in you vision. You should tell me, I am really curious about it. :D

(Please don't show your powers in public. These displays are not good seen between yogis).

If I can produce a scanned copy of Yoga Journal magazine with a Marshall Govindan paid ad that has the line "Baba Marshall Govindan himself"

You can produce whatever you want. Nobody calls Govindan "Our Baba". Your post What Govindan's Thugs Said to Me was false and invented.

How can someone "hurry" within a two day disparity? Hurry means to move or act with speed or haste. I edited my post in 8/2/03 to add the following lines:

Hurry or not hurry, it doesn't matter. You put the wrong mantra in your original post and later you edited it to correct the mantra. Your post was false.

Marshall Govindan always ride in the name of Lahiri Mahasaya and Paramhansa Yogananda to connect his imaginary Babaji into the authentic Mahavatar Babaji of their lineage. Govindan's Kriya Yoga does not even remotely resemble Babaji's Kriya yoga as given to Lahiri Mahasaya and his successors.

Never. Sri Lahiri Mahasaya can be mentioned as a disciple of Babaji, but He doesn't appear in the lineage transmission. The techniques of Babaji's Kriya Yoga are completely different from the ones of the Kriya Yoga lineage of Sri Lahiri Mahasaya. I told you this in my previous post. They were teached from Babaji to Yogi Ramaiah in 1952. You don't know what are you talking about.

It's ok if you believe or not, everybody can have his/her own opinion. But it is not correct to spread lies. You have lied to all of us with your post What Govindan's Thugs Said to Me.

Registered User
(8/12/03 6:58 pm)
Regarding Prem's claim
I don't really have a very positive impression of G.M. due to the allegations he made against Yoganandaji in W.I.E. and other claims he has made. However, I have to say that in my opinion Prem's alleged post and challenge from G.M.'s followers is clearly a fraud - and a very poor one at that. It looks to me that Prem just constructed a "challenge" from G.M.'s followers in order to give himself an excuse for posting another path's spiritual techniques on the web. If this is the case then that is very sad indeed.

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