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Unregistered User
(11/3/01 7:44 am)
I understand that it is generally understood that Uma Mata will end up the president fairly quickly. That is why she is starting speak at Convo and been seen a few places. My problem is that she has about an 85 IQ (no sin) and almost completely lacks compassion for her fellow monastics and their problems. (This is a sin) She also doesn’t care much for the members or employees and is REALLY easily manipulated by those around her.

Who decided she was to lead? Is it true she will lead? What does yet another leader like this mean for the organization in the next 30 years?

Been there
Unregistered User
(11/3/01 12:57 pm)
The future of SRF
I think you know what it means, Croq. You are an intelligent person. It means that the cult of SRF will continue to exist as is. And even when is it is more commonly known to be a cult, it will still have adherents who will go on believing that the leadership is infallible -- chosen by Babaji. There is a place for everyone in this world. SRF will continue to function as a "spiritual home" for those who need it. You only wake up when you truly want to and are willing to face the pain of losing the dream. Most prefer to sleep, so I say let them sleep. Those who do want to wake up will hopefully find support through this site and through other ways -- guided inwardly by God's love. Trying to change SRF is in itself a dream. It is like the abused child who keeps on trying to get the parent to admit fault. It will not happen. The daddy who beats the child was himself a child who was beaten and has his reasons, after all. SRF leadership is happy to be in control and SRF members are either satisfied to be hypnotized or comfortable with denial and ambiguity. I am glad that this site is here to help people work through their feelings and reclaim their own minds.

Unregistered User
(11/3/01 1:28 pm)
Brain Chemistry and SRF
Uma Mata would be calle a "puppet leader." We use them all the time in the political sphere.

Why are SRF members "satisfied to be hypnotized or comfortable with denial and ambiguity"? Possibly its evolutionary. Those who subject themselves to rule tend, depending on the level of stress and uncertaintly produced. create brain opiates called endorphins. They give you an generally happy feeling but also suppress the mental function. Inner Soma.

Think of Laurel and Hardy. Laurel was always making stupid mistakes; Stan was abusive and felt more imperial with every idiocy Laurel committed. Its a vicious cycle.

Too much endorphin creates short term memory problems, you make stupid mistakes on the job which you can be criticized for, which reinforces more production of endorphins. The leaders in charge see you as stupid and feel justified in the way they treat you. Maybe this is what happened to Uma Mata rather than having a low IQ. Or maybe she has both! And this may be what makes every devotee a bit like the Easter Bunny.

Unregistered User
(11/27/01 7:41 pm)
Shadow: Uma does have a low IQ but I agree with the comment that it is not a sin. However, she avoids decisions with determination and has twisted herself into taking no responsibility for any of her actions. The mantra “in tune with Master” is an excuse for not using will power herself.

Those around her, Jill, Jackie, Cindy, Sharana, Priya, Mridani all recognize that she has no will of her own and take advantage of it. When Daya is gone they will kill each other for control of Uma. It will be a mess. Everyone keep your heads down!

Unregistered User
(11/30/01 1:37 am)
Crog: Uma is not next in line. It's Mrinilini. Watch out because she's known as a tyrant. After all, she supports Mridani, so what more can one say? Things are not going to change for several generations.

Raja Begum
Unregistered User
(11/30/01 1:09 pm)
Nothing Will Change
Yes, nothing will change as long as the legacy of Guardian leadership continues. You will see more and more of Guruji's message taking on their unique flavor and the parts of him resonant to us will be pushed further to the wayside.

Mrinalini is going to draw a line in the sand (as she is already doing), and you can be assured that you will have to compromise your very nature to be "in" with her and her crowd.

There will be more rules, not less. And there will be frequent eloquent discussions on the difference between worthy and unworthy disciples.

Are you going to overthrow them and put someone better in charge? Are you going to stage a protest to sway public opinion against Mrin or Uma, et al? If no, then I humbly suggest you forget about who's next....because any way it falls, it's going to come down a Guardian. Rest assured.

If that makes you squirm in your seat, if you absolutely need to make SRF a better place for posterity, I suggest you join our silent revolution. Learn who these people are. Read the posts! And learn more about who YOU are. Read the posts!
Knowledge is power.

Change will come from the outside.

Unregistered User
(11/30/01 1:31 pm)
An honest question
For Raga Begum, Rigiditananda, and others,
I really enjoy reading your posts. Here is a question. My desire for an answer is in no way argumentative. I really just want to know.
Why do you want to change SRF? What is this personally preferable to your leaving it?

Raja Begum
Unregistered User
(11/30/01 2:57 pm)
An Honest Answer
We're building muscle in places we never knew we had. And SRF will be no worse off for the skirmsh. That's why.

Raja Begum
Unregistered User
(11/30/01 3:22 pm)
I've left my personal testimonial and some meditations on the nature of the problem on another thread. Just hit the link below:

"This is Your Right-Of-Passage"

Quite honestly, I'm curious if what we've been saying has any truth for you.

Raja Begum
Unregistered User
(11/30/01 3:37 pm)
"SRF is a War of Personality Types.... I Agree"

Unregistered User
(11/30/01 6:17 pm)
Uma and the Fish
Mirn is old and looks like hell. If her health is not really really bad, then something else is wrong so Mirn will be gone soon after Daya. That leaves Uma. Uma is just a blank slate that will be manipulated by those around her including public opinion. This does leave a chance for change.

A few of the monastics would push for change if they felt they had public support. Right now everything is secret and Daya is God-realized. So the membership is for the most part totally clueless.

Word of mouth and more people being exposed to mother center is changing public opinion. With that there is a slim chance for change once Uma takes over. It will be a bloodbath, and very unpleasant, but it is already unpleasant so why not try?

Uma is only a Guardian because the last person who spoke to her was a Guardian. If a fish speaks to her next she will be a fish. When her pager goes off she probably thinks she is a pager. (ouch, that is mean. sorry)

I remember reading a list of proposed new rules for SRF here somewhere but I can't find them. Where are they?

Raja Begum
Unregistered User
(11/30/01 7:01 pm)
Another Look at Uma
In some ways I feel much compassion for Uma. Having come to the ashram at a young age (14?), she's probably never had the opportunity to differentiate herself -- that is, to find her authentic self in contrast to those around her, especially if she's always been treated like the baby in the family and hasn't had her rebellious period. Spaciness does not always indicate the presence of a low IQ. In some cases, it can be symptomatic of dissociation.

I am acquainted with an individual who lived most of her life in perfect Guardian comportment but found out recently that was an Idealist. What had happened was her parents were Guardians, and that had a modulating effect on the way she saw herself. A midlife crisis has forced her to look at herself more closely and she has done very well. She's now exploring more Idealist pursuits - healing, writing, counseling -- and I notice a glow in her face which wasn't there before.

Unregistered User
(12/1/01 1:37 am)
Why Change SRF?
1) Because we feel that, in its present state, SRF has not been representative of very fundamental facets of our Guru.

2) Because the way things are now, SRF is hurting the householder (and many monastics too) by teaching a very imbalanced paradigm.

3) I'm an ENFP and I love to have a good cause to fight for.
And there other ENFP here in SRF whose feet are itching for a good fight.

4)Because as RB says it develops very important muscles

5) Because it is fun

Unregistered User
(12/1/01 9:18 am)
Responses to my question
Thanks for your answers. But somehow my question is not quite satisfied. Would you mind answering the following:

Why not leave SRF to those who like it the way it is? Is it love for Master? Is it belief that liberation will come through Kriya yoga? Do you feel the need to have an organization to belong to? Do you want to strike back at those in the organization who have hurt and disappointed you?

Sorry if these questions are redundant. Again, I have no hidden agenda. I just want to know. Call it a springboard for my own introspection if you like.


Raja Begum
Unregistered User
(12/1/01 2:27 pm)
Do not go gentle into that good night
I'm not sure how to explain my rationale any more eloquently than I already have. Have you read my post dated 9/03/01 titled "Sleepers Awake"?

In it I outline 3 choices.....
1) Walk away. Live with God in your heart. Maybe meet up other ex-SRF'ers.
2) Stay with the organization. But demand full accountability from the Board of Directors.
3) Remain passive and live your sadhana as a bewildered simpleton.

I've never settled with any choice. At present, I'm exploring all except #3. In truth, it's more accurate to say I'm following a 4th course of action...

4) Leave the organization. But demand full accountability from the Board of Directors. Pretty wicked, eh? ;)

But I realize I need this fight. I need it for two reasons: First, To confront those who were part of my brainwashing and undo it. ("Look fear in the face and it will cease to bother you"). Second, I enjoy it. Keirsey describes my personality type as a "Champion of Causes.' What better cause than to fight for a more universal and inclusive SRF?

Ever watch the movie "The Wages of Fear"? The story hinges around a jungle-ensconced oil derrick that erupts into an uncontrollable fire. The only way to put out the fire is to momentarily suck out the oxygen using another fire --- an explosion of nitroglycerin. Pictured differently: Sometimes you need to use a thorn to remove another thorn.

Addressing your quesions:

Why not leave SRF to those who like it the way it is?

Remember the Peter Pan song, "I Won't Grow Up"? Well the people who like SRF the way it is are singing to that tune. SRF is in the throes of an adolescent crisis. It is screaming out for positive, progressive change. I may be upset with the leadership and their choices, but I'm totally in love with the spiritually progressive ideals of our guru....all that authenticity stuff about increasing the power of initiative, daring to be different, and the introduction of true science into religion (not the quasi scientific crap of provincial SRF ). That lights my heart afire. That's my guru talking to me. And thats what he also stood for when he built SRF. I can't watch that message fade away...

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lighting they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Is it love for Master?

It is love for that part of Master I understand.

Is it belief that liberation will come through Kriya yoga?

I consider my actual sit-down practice of kriya separate from the organization.

Do you feel the need to have an organization to belong to?

No. But I do feel I have an ideal that I need to belong to.

Do you want to strike back at those in the organization who have hurt and disappointed you?

Not really. I want to strike at their irresponsibility. Shake them up and make them consider the world outside their comfortable little boxes.

To reference "Sleepers Awake"....

Unregistered User
(12/1/01 3:28 pm)
Why not leave SRF the way it is?
I tried to start a separate link on why I felt SRF needs changing since this tread is on succession.

I agree with our speech writer, Raja, in most of what he says to your question “Why not leave SRF the way it is?”

To simplify it all, someone is living in the house of a dear dear friend of mine and doing things to make him look really bad. While he doesn’t care about his image himself, this drives people away who might otherwise be helped.

In addition, these people who occupy my friend’s house now are hurting people who knock on the door for help. Some of these people are friends of mine.

For myself, I am not much involved anymore and have no contact with mother center. But they are still pulling people in. I want to prevent them from getting hurt, and help those already in the surf getting beat up.

Some are having real health problems due to the stress. This is not a game. The people at mother center are seriously abusive. If people think we are just hurt and a bunch of complainers, they don't know how serious it is.

Unregistered User
(12/1/01 5:40 pm)
Responses to my questions
Thanks very much for your responses. It is helping me to get to know all of you and myself better. I have wondered sometimes why I cannot share your enthusiasm to change SRF -- why I just want to get away from it. Perhaps I was in so deep and lied to myself so much just to stay there that I am permanently allergic.

Unregistered User
(12/2/01 8:20 am)
When her pager goes off Uma probably thinks she is a pager? Geeezzzz What will she think when she reads that? (And I don't doubt they get copies of some of these)

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