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Punk Yogi
Unregistered User
(11/27/01 6:02 am)
The Missing Lesson: Building a Healthy Ego
Here we are sitting on the sideline: Its material ego battling against spiritual ego today to the death here on the lawns of Mt. Washington....

KILL -- THE -- EE-GO!!! ...kill the ego.. kill Kill Kill....murder it, rape it, pillage it, destroy, and mutilate it..obliterate and banish it, ...go team go!!! SRF!! SRF!!! Guardians! Guardians! rah rah rah!!!!!

Man, I'm sick of "killing" my ego. 'Cause each time I try, I seem to kill everything else with it. Like those unfortunate Red Cross workers who had fallen into friendly fire on the front lines of Afghanistan.

If our lovely Matas would cease trying to mold us into a bunch of good little Guardian munchkin- devotees, we might have an honest chance to grow up and become dynamic human beings.

Anyways, I for one am never going to "kill" my ego because I'm not a psycopath who needs to murder for pleasure. I will dissolve my ego, yes, That is, I will one day have the realization that my ego is nothing more than the sensualized soul and the idea that I was anything but the soul will be gone...abracadabra!!! But never, never will I kill.

The ego to me is like an ice bridge. You're standing at the lip of a chasm. You look across. No way to make it. You need an ice bridge. So you build one and across you go. Easy. Once the job is done, you let the bridge melt. It's no longer necessary. You've reached your destination.

Life is like that. We all need healthy egos to survive this tough world. The ego is not always your enemy. Sometimes it's exactly what you need to make it swimming among the sharks. Sadly a lifetime association with SRF will strip you of that faculty.... unless you're lucky enough to be a five-star VIP monastic. And if you are, you can develop that wonderful quality called narcissism! That's right! You heard me. Those who think N____ is a bad word ought to know that our guru recognized the need for building up a healthy ego before breaking it down. In fact, acccording to the psychology experts, the most successful people have a healthy amount of the N-factor to help them get ahead. Sounds radical? Here's the good and the bad defined:

Unhealthy narcissism = the appearance of a weak, vulnerable self attempting to maintain self-cohesion and bolster self-esteem.

Healthy narcissism = the appearance of a strong, vital, cohesive self striving with ambition and ideals toward the full realization of a person's skills and talents. 

Only a few of us really want to spend the rest of our lives sweeping the streets -- even if it is for God! Most of us have loftier dreams. Like becoming leaders and people of authority. Daya Mata is such a good example. Some of us dream of changing how society thinks. Why only dream when you can make an impact on the world as Tara and Mrinilini Mata changed forever how SRF devotees think about their guru? And don't some of us want to romp around the world, stay in fancy hotels, and drink from the cup of popularity and fame? Ramananda and Mitrananda will show you how. And if politics tickles your fancy, call on the great god, Vishwananda, for support. There's a mathematical reason why these folks walk ten feet tall and shine with a successful aura. Wouldn't you be different if you were lucky enough to be one of Master's super-elite utra-special chosen ones?

Well now.....where does that leave the rest of us?

How did I ever get by in the world these past twenty years? I recall very early on that I tried to kill my ego. I got out that big elephant gun called self-denial and aimed it at the poor shrively thing. I pulled the trigger and KERPLAM!!!!!!!!!! Down went the ego. I missed....No, I hit something, but it wasn't the ego. Shrewd little bastard! What went down was me. My desires. My fighting spirit. My own self-knowledge of my mind and heart. Boy did that demotion do wonders for my self-esteem! I spent the next twenty years suffering as a sort-of conscious Forrest Gump. I stopped learning how to trust myself, stopped being creative, stopped being authentic....the worst was I stopped being confident. Try getting ahead with those credentials!

Perhaps it was for this reason that so many devotees were convinced the only logical thing to do was work for SRF. As if they really believed their finest moment was to bask in the afterglow of monastic sanctity. How did we ever get sucked into this?

Now I'm back with a vengeance. There is fire in my eyes and I am the demonic dragon perched above the lair who will eat Matas for breakfast. So beware! Though SRF turned me into a eunich. Miraculoulsy I find my pulse once again...to be specific: I get my balls back (ahem!).

The rules of the game have changed, my friends. Being a "good devotee" is passe. You no longer have to stay on your side of the chasm and watch your ochre-caped superheros swallow life in gulps, leaping and frolicking from narcissism to the sublime. No, this day is yours. And if you happen to be one of the truly enlightened monastics, throw down your batman capes and be a real human being. You are the heroes. Embrace your egos. Carry it into the wild world like a Smith and Wesson. Or build your own ice bridges. And one day, if you're lucky, God will give you wings. Then bridges become unnecessary and you fly over chasms instead.

Unregistered User
(11/28/01 8:34 am)
I killed my ego long ago.
That thing was nowhere found.
I bragged I’d won, success, acclaim!
And then I turned around.

- by KS

Registered User
(12/5/01 9:34 pm)
Healthy Ego
"Freud's definition of the ego is excellent. It's what he calls the "reality function". It is the function that puts you in touch with your personal relationship to time and space, here and now as you know it. That 's the ego.
Your judgment of things, your evaluation of the moment, that is all ego stuff.
The problem is not to eliminate the ego, it is to turn the ego and the judgment system of the moment into the servant of the self, not the dictator, but the vehicle for it to realize itself. It's a very nice, delicate balance. And an awful lot of so-called "spiritual people" are very much against the ego and they turn themeselves into _______ ...well, in a way be careful lest in casting out your devils that you cast out the best thing that is in you....as if they have benn filleted, there is no bone there, ther is no stuff. How to get rid of the ego as a dictator and turn it into messanger and servant and scout, to be in your service, is the trick".

The Hero's Journey Joseph Campbell on his life and work.
Harper S.F. 1990 by Pil. Cousineau
pg. 223

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