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Mt. Washington, Ca
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        > Black list - acting in secret without a conscience
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Unregistered User
(11/18/01 12:44 pm)
Black list - acting in secret without a conscience
I was talking to an SRF minister a few days ago in a small group of SRF members. The subject turned to the “blacklist” that Sr. Priya keeps of SRF members who have complained about something. This “watch list” is disturbing to those that hear about it. The minister suggested “it would be better if you didn’t pass that around”.

Better for whom?

I think it would be better if mother center didn’t do things that needed to be kept secret. Isn’t that a clue that their behavior is wrong? What kind of conscience do these people have? Maybe talking more about their behavior in public will shock them into looking at themselves.

Also notice he didn't deny it was true although he may not have personal knowledge of it himself. He surely knows what they are capable of.

Raja Begum
Unregistered User
(11/18/01 1:40 pm)
Overwhelming force
Didn't Sri Yuketeswar say that we should stare fear in the face and it would cease to bother us? That was when he went to the household closet looking for an alleged ghost -- which he didn't find.

We must get more brazen in our approach. When our talk becomes a public phenomenon, and when there are many who are part of it. There is going to be nothing that SRF can do. For example, if any of my friends were sued by SRF, I would personally gather a rally of protesters, call the newspapers, call all of SRF's enemy's and make the biggest stink ever on the driveway of Mt. Washington.

...In my opinion, it would be better for them to continue dinkering with their blacklist in secret... where they and the Devil may conspire and commune in perfect intimacy.

Unregistered User
(11/20/01 1:04 am)
Yes, Again I agree here with Raja Begum. We need to let aside our fears, although I understand that for those working in SRF the situation is very difficult. I'm sure I'm part of that list. And possibly I appear under different names too -- Rigiditananda being of them. However, I have devoted more than 20 yeas to this path. Suddenly I woke up to the realization that the teachings are a mess and are hurting people, as they hurt me. But what can I do now? It was nice meeting you, thanks, and good bye? This is what Egomoy suggested me to do -- “there are many paths” he said.

It made me so angry to hear from a senior monastic that after dedicating the best years of my life to this path there was no place for me anymore. It was like hearing “we don’t need you anymore -- go somewhere else.” After 20 years -- can you imagine! So, I decided I will fight to my last breath for things to change and I will NOT LEAVE. I will not give him that pleasure -- no way! You want to change the teachings he accused me, and I said "Brother nothing stays the same, trying to stop change is like trying to stop the win with your bare hand. He hang up the phone saying "good bye!"

So, I will fight, to my last breath for SRF to change. I offer it to Master as karma yoga. I'm an extroverted, I do not believe anymore that to find God you have to go within -- that is good for the Introverted types. The introverted have dominated spirituality throughout the Kali Yuga, and they sold this idea to everyone. It is false, karma yoga is fun and external, and leads to God too. I still meditate of course to go within, but going without also leads to God if done properly. Here we have such a great cause to fight for -- "to create a new SRF and to rewrite the teachings."

Raja Begum
Unregistered User
(11/20/01 12:04 pm)
I am with you
All religions are tools of the ruling class to create a slave mentality among the people. Even when that religion carries a truth within it, if it draws from past sensibilities, it also takes with it the devices of the state to keep people passive.

I am with you Rigitananada. Let's rewrite the teachings. Let's be their greatest nightmare -- as they have been ours. >D

Unregistered User
(11/22/01 1:06 pm)
Black List
Every organization has a list of people who raise questions or problems that are considered "inappropriate". It isn't really a "Black List", but there are "referral" notations on contact files for persons who have expressed themselves in ways outside the Bell curve.

There have been some real whacko's over the years and some other well meaning people with problems outside of the understanding of under-or-non trained monastic counsellors.

No organization wants unsolicited "advice" and SRF is no different than others in that regard. A recent example, the Peoplesoft issue, is just one example. Granted, it was a terrible decision. SRF would be much better served with other fund general accounting/membership service packages for a LOT less money -- BiTech, TIES, even something low end like a simple Peachtree -- but it didn't happen. As a result, some people got flustered and frustrated and will be "dealt with" by referral notations on their membership histories.

I could go on for a LONG time on this one, but the turkey is ready.

Unregistered User
(11/22/01 2:32 pm)
Dear Carbohidrate
Dear Carbo

I just want to say that the "harmless" black list that you talk about is ready to balloon into grotesque disproportion -- wait and see! Rigiditananda

Unregistered User
(11/22/01 3:01 pm)
The Infamous Black List
I understand that the yogi's are working on incantations and spells for blacklisted people. I can see it now, as I walk to the Temple of Leaves some bright day, a black-hooded nun with a raspy voice beckoning . . . "Papers, please. Where are your papers? What! No papers? What is your name!?" At this point, a small black alligator bound Black Book emerges from under her cloak, a small green pen spurts out ink and writes out the name that I give them . . .

Dejectedly, I turn to go, pausing only for a mournful look back at the flagstone and peppertree, knowing full well that I now have the Mark of the Beast and am forever damned.

Perhaps the monastic order could do what the Roman Catholics did years ago -- form the order of Jesuits, the Defenders of the Faith -- and reinstitute a modern form of the Spanish Inquisition.

Rigid. How appropriate. SRF is a VERY small organization now. You really think that the Great Protectorate is going to expose itself to some MAJOR bad press with a "hit list"?

Not good business, and not likely.

Registered User
(12/9/01 11:53 am)
Re: Black list - acting in secret without a conscience
I was talking to an SRF minister a few days ago in a small group of SRF members. The subject turned to the “blacklist” that Sr. Priya keeps of SRF members who have complained about something. This “watch list” is disturbing to those that hear about it. The minister suggested “it would be better if you didn’t pass that around”.

I wonder if the minister said this because he knows it is a problem and there is nothing he can do about this on the inside but that publicity can help change this from the outside. Like when you tell a child, "Don't touch those cookies!" What does the child do? :eek

Edited by: AumBoy at: 12/9/01 11:55:02 am
Registered User
(12/13/01 9:06 am)
Re: Black list - acting in secret without a conscience
Your mention of the black list makes me think of the different codes etc used to catagorize members' letters in the correspondance department. Some very sincere devotees write in, pour out thier hearts, and believe that Ma is writing back to them, when in fact, if thier letter is a little "wacky", someone else, even a non-anastic employee, writes back to them. The way members are catagorically treated and clssified and labeled is symtomatic of the all-or-nothing thinking I have seen in SRF, either your 100% , or you're nothing, and then even your letters are marginalized.

Registered User
(3/23/02 6:22 am)
Re: Black list - acting in secret without a conscience

Edited by: shamila at: 6/2/02 1:34:35 pm
Registered User
(3/23/02 7:07 am)
reading outside literature
I think the reason why SRF doesn't want you reading outside literature is that you will find out SRF has nothing new. It is all written in books now. THERE ARE NO SECRET TEACHINGS ANYMORE. There might have been teachings that were secret 100 years ago, but now they teach it to you in hatha yoga class. Times have changed.

Registered User
(3/23/02 9:53 pm)
Re: reading outside literature
I disagree. The Autobiography, The Science of Religion, The Holy Science and many other writings of Yogananda (by SRF) are so original in their perspective on religion and God, that even though they were written some 50 to 100 years ago I have not found anything close in their brilliance. There are many good books, but not many landmarks like those mentioned.

What they teach you in your local hatha yoga class, or in the "Complete Idiot's Guide to Yoga" book is teachings not only derived from sanatana dharma and the holy bible, but probably inspired by the writings of P. Yogananda, especially the AOY.

Yeh, the secrets of yoga were revealed finally around 100 years ago with the gurus of SRF. Now you can probably find the kriya techniques online if you tried. But even after all the searches I've made online and in bookstores, I am still overwhelmed by the writings of Yogananda-coming out of SRF- such as the 1994-95 publishing of God Talks With Arjuna. This was a "new" version given by Yogananda and only came out in full recently. Let me know if you can find any better version of the Gita.

Yet in one sense you're right, the truth is that these teaching are univeral and timeless, beyond copyrights. SRF or anyone else can't have a monopoly on that.

As for reading outside literature, I know Yogananda said in one of his lectures that we should learn about the lives of other saints (of other churches) by reading of them and reading also the works of great writers and minds. But he adds not to get too preoccupied with books; but with meditation, God, etc.

If SRF has a policy that is against this (and this is what is written in SRF literature) than its a bogus policy. It is true, I think, that in the beginning its better to not read too many different teachings due to creating confusion in the mind, but ultimately we must use our God-given discrimination to disside what is good for us (or derive only the good out of a particular book).

X Insider
Registered User
(3/24/02 9:23 am)
To Shamila
You asked if Daya Mata wrote the letter. No, highly unlikely. She has a nun who does this for her.

I thought you hit it right when you said that SRF has become a cult within the ashram but not yet fully a cult within the lay community. Maybe those like you who "smell a rat" will retreat before they give their minds away. Not to mention their money.

I think those in the far-away meditation groups are the lucky ones. Often the smaller groups don't pay too much attention to the Mother Center control efforts and the members can actually enjoy meditating together. Once I attended a lovely small group where the "long meditation " was not so long and then the group adjourned to a potluck supper. Lots of good vibes and uncensored friendship there. And then there was a sweet group with a gay couple leading. I think Mother Center found out they were gay and told them they could no longer be an official SRF group. A blessing in disguise if you ask me.

Registered User
(3/24/02 2:00 pm)
Re: To Shamila

Edited by: shamila at: 6/2/02 1:39:07 pm
chuckle chela
Registered User
(3/24/02 11:51 pm)
Meditation groups far away...and far out
You're right on, X Insider, about far away meditation groups. They are much farther away, in an almost literal sense, from the stifling bonds emanating, ray-like, from Mother Center. When I first logged on to the Walrus board, I couldn't believe what I was reading because it was so far removed from my experiences in our meditation group. It's just a small bunch of us who come together to meditate and hear Master's words. We talk, do things together, have fun together, help each other out, AND, most importantly, we make most of our own decisions about how the group operates. Yes, we have the Manual of Services and guidance from Center Department, but we make all the day-to-day decisions. The service readers get to plan their own services (a great treat), etc., etc. And all the major decisions are made by the entire group. In past years, groups worked in a democratic fashion such that on managing councils, majority votes carried the day. Now we try to work on the basis of consensus, which is even better. It means you really have to spend time listening to and understanding each other.

So you're actually forced to use your own head, instead of learning to behave like a parrot. This is a Good Thing, and I only wish the leaders in SRF could realize how important this is for all of us.

Center Dept. seems to be run by a pretty cool bunch of monks. Even they need to learn to trust us a bit more, but they're learning. In fact, I wish they were running the entire joint at 3880 San Rafael. I think things might be much better off.

To any of you in the southern California area who are turned off by the temples, may I suggest you form your own little groups. You may find the freedom exhilarating.

Registered User
(3/25/02 7:15 am)
Re: Meditation groups far away...and far out
unfortunately, not all groups act this way. One group will not allow member to exchange phone numbers to contact each other outside group. When they attend convocation they are not allowed to talk with each other.

Another group is not allowed to attend any social events in town together.

These they say are orders from mother center -- and I was actually surprised to hear that there are groups having potlucks etc.


Registered User
(6/2/02 3:50 pm)
Chuckle Chela's suggestions gather in small informal meeting
Hello username and Chuckle Chela,

Yes, in some ways the answer lies in small, non-srf (with as many srf devotees, who are "open," and going "FORWARD," being welcome) getherings in homes.

Friends of Walri and Walri, the joy is immense, even in meeting with one other in compassion and friendship.

Chuckle Chela, !!!!!!this IS!!!! as you say a clear option, maybe especially for those of us in Southern CA.
We are in No. California, and its happening, see "meeting place," and once there, potluck and global.

Username, thanks for the reality check, mother center rules are in the past for me.


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