SRF Walrus
Mt. Washington, Ca
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    > I need advice
        > To those of you who are old-time devotees, a question
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Registered User
(9/13/02 6:23 am)
To those of you who are old-time devotees, a question
Hello all.

I am GLAD I found this board. I have been reading Yogananda's books since the mid-70s and have always found great comfort in them, and they act as a spur to my personal devotion to God. However, I never was involved with the SRF in any formal way (like, I haven't even had the lessons!) and have always been reluctant to get involved with the organization. It would appear I had good reason for this, although I didn't know it at the time. I am grateful to know about people's experiences with the organization--this gives one the opportunity to make an informed choice about whether to get involved with the SRF or not. I am grateful to you all for your honesty, and I know it must be quite painful for many of you.

My question is: since the SRF organization has such problems, what do you do in terms of your personal devotions? At this point, I am so freaked out about even setting foot in an SRF center that I would like to worship at home. Do you all do that, and do you find that this is enough? What makes me so sad is that recently I did go to an SRF center (in Washington DC where I live), and the congregration was a truly multicultural group of people and I liked that a lot, the service was uplifting, and no one tried to 'love bomb' me or anything scary like that ... but reading things on this board makes me really disinclined to go back.

I'm not really asking you to tell me 'stay away' or 'go back', but if you all worship privately and find that it is helpful, I'd appreciate hearing about it. I guess I could use some support from those of you who have chosen to do this. I love and revere Yogananda, Yukteswar, and Lahiri Mayasaya and their teachings; it is just that what I have discovered about the organization doesn't really make me want to be part of it.

Anyway, thanks for listening, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Take care.


Registered User
(9/13/02 1:45 pm)
Re: To those of you who are old-time devotees, a question

Set up your e-mail so you can receive a message. (no one will know what your e-mail address is)

Registered User
(9/13/02 5:43 pm)
Re: To those of you who are old-time devotees, a question
From my experience I would guess that there are many SRF Meditation Groups ( those officially sanctioned by SRF) that are doing a whole lot better following the teachings and spirit of Yogananda, than the temples and monastics in CA. My local group (in a southern state) is exemplary. So if you can meditate with devotees and maintain your distance from the power structure in LA, you'll probably do alright. JUST DON'T SEND SRF ANY MONEY!

Edited by: wholetruth at: 9/13/02 5:45:06 pm
Registered User
(9/13/02 10:33 pm)
Re: To those of you who are old-time devotees, a question
I agree that many Centers and Groups are probably fine and free of the negative influence of SRF HQ. It is good to meditate with others and associate with like minded individuals and lay members are the future of SRF. Remember that Yogananda left lay members in charge of SRF when he passed away. It was the Wright girls and all the bad ladies that stole the organization and began excluding lay people.

If we think about it it does make sense that the Groups would still be nice places. Only close to the artificial center of power is there the corrupting influence of maya that power brings. Some centers probably have it to some small degree, but the small groups of 5 to 10 people found in different parts of the world are probably pretty nice places to go.

This next age is not about kali yuga organizations telling us how to live, how to sit and who to worship. The next age empowers lay members, working with their own personal Guru, to find their own wonderful and unique path to God. The age of the powerful beings leading sheep to God is over. The Bad Ladies never got it and are distorting things more and more to force their view of the future of Yogananda’s work on his devotees.

Yogananda is just about done with the bad ladies. I think we are all seeing the final years of the Daya Dynasty. They had their chance to grow and learn. They blew it big time.

Registered User
(9/14/02 5:05 am)
Re: To those of you who are old-time devotees, a question
Thanks so much to all of you! I feel a bit better knowing that the 'locals' don't seem to have the power issues that are found in Mt. Washington.

Take care.


X Insider
Registered User
(9/14/02 11:14 am)
Re: To those of you who are old-time devotees, a question
If your group is an official SRF center or group, be prepared for some members to get weird now and then. They may get very rigid and intent on pleasing Mother Center by enforcing rules. Their "just folks" humanity may turn into "this is how a good devotee behaves." Which mean they may stop listening to their own hearts and to the hearts of others for a time.

Registered User
(9/14/02 1:02 pm)
Re: To those of you who are old-time devotees, a question
Thanks, X-Insider. Should that happen (weirdness) I'll hit the road.

Registered User
(9/14/02 1:02 pm)
Re: To those of you who are old-time devotees, a question
Mother Center imposes very strange rules now and again. Their vibe is one of control control control. This comes from the bad ladies and not from the monks in Center Department really. The bad ladies fear the members for many reasons already discussed here.

Fear leads to strict structure for things which don't need it. It is used to determine who is loyal sometimes. If you follow the rules you are loyal (feared less but not trusted).

Some local member may also want to impress the gods at Mother Center by imposing the rules or making them worse. It is a cult, plain and simple. Some groups may not act out the cult-ness, but some will. Be careful.

Registered User
(9/14/02 7:30 pm)
Re: To those of you who are old-time devotees, a question

I think that the meditational techniques which Paramahansaji brought to this country and taught through his class series all over this country and through the Lessons which SRF mails out are very spiritually powerful, that they will take one as far as one wants to go in one's search for meaning and faith and peace.

The organization? Well that's another issue. But I just thought it important to tell you that the basis of the path, kriya yoga, is a unique aide, and shouldn't be discounted along with the problems SRF seems to now be encountering.

One can practice the meditations on one's own, or as you've indicated you've already done so, with bonfided SRF meditation groups. But whichever way one wants to go the techniques will work, do work, and can be the source of much solace and deeper understanding.


Registered User
(9/14/02 11:29 pm)
Re: To those of you who are old-time devotees, a question

There is nothing wrong with going to a meditation group that feels good to you. But realize that the actual benefit you're deriving is primarily for community. I've come to believe that any religious or spiritual "group" is for this purpose. The real work comes from everyday, every moment practice, whatever that practice may be.
Beware as others have advised, when you feel a sense of group think coming on. And even if you sense it, but still feel that you're satisfying some need by being in the group, by all means stay, but keep detached.

I think that the meditational techniques which Paramahansaji brought to this country and taught through his class series all over this country and through the Lessons which SRF mails out are very spiritually powerful, that they will take one as far as one wants to go in one's search for meaning and faith and peace.

In response to this I would say that it's important to understand that the SRF teachings aren't for everyone. They sure weren't for me, and it took me 20+ years to figure this out. Let's say you decide to take the lessons, if you are not seeing a difference in dealing with the world (where our greatest lessons come from) after a year or so, understand that there are many other practices out there. I don't believe that the SRF lessons and kriya are the across the board, greatest teachings around. For some people, maybe they work, but for others a different approach is better suited.

I too felt really good about PY's writing and was inspired by the lives of Sri Yukteswar and Lahiri Mahasaya. But as my life went on, as the pressures in my life increased, I found that these particular teachings weren't well suited for me. I came to realize, that for my temperament, they never were well suited. Change is always okay...change is the nature of this existense. So, if you do take the SRF lessons, be aware that you can always change to something else if your life isn't benefitted. In other words, something that is right "now" may not necessarily be right 10 years from now. Remain true to your self, get to know yourself, for that is where the real guidance comes from....it's right within YOU.

Registered User
(10/13/02 7:21 am)
Re: To those of you who are old-time devotees, a question
Gardendiva is quite correct. We, as evolving spirits towards God, are changing and must do (think and act out) those things that reflect the change we are experiencing. Often, that which we did (practiced) to create the change in the first place is no longer sufficient or a viable means to effect further change in our beings, our level of spiritual consciousness. It is important, therefore, to be sufficiently self-aware to realize when we need to quit what we are doing and move on to something else. Like a new meditation group or moving from Kriya one to Kriya two, for example.
When my consciousness rose above the consciousness level of SRF, it was painful, but I quit SRF and moved on with my japa, my worship. To look at it another way, organizations and techniques may be viewed as tools which you lay aside as that part of your job is completed. Then you employ the appropriate tool in order to continue building. What to include in your spiritual life is a very personal decision. Do not become part of someone else's mindset or get stuck in a stagnant practice. What you want is results, not flattery.

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